Joleisa is now accepting guest posts.
That’s great news! Read below to get all the details before signing on the dotted line (hypothetically)
Your article, in order to be published here, must fit in with what our blog is about: Inspiration to keep living and enjoying life even when it serves you lemons (hard times). Bonus points if you have suggestions for frugal living.
Your article must match one of these categories:
- laugh more
- give back
- recharge your batteries
- work harder
- eat healthier
More Rules
Your article must be completely original and written by you! You agree that it will not be published on any other blog or anywhere else. It becomes the property of and may be published by us.
- Email
- Tell us a little bit about yourself and why you think your post will be of interest to our readers
- In the subject line of your email, please write Guest Post Idea for Joleisa
- Submit the post draft
- Wait a few days to hear back from us. You will be notified whether or not we will use your article
- We reserve the right to make small changes especially in spelling and grammar etc.
- Send any images you want to be used with the post. Ensure that they are all ‘pin worthy’ images and are you own or you have proof of permission to use them.
- End your email with a short but catchy excerpt of the article you would like us to use as a way to initially engage our readers.
- You may include up to 2 links in your post. No product ads though. Links may be to your site only.
- Sit back and wait to hear from us!
To Summarise: We are happy to share your posts with our readers. Simply follow our few rules, write an awesome post and submit it to us. If we are happy with it, you get your work published on our site! Good luck!