How to tell if your struggle is real
I struggle with weight loss. Ok I admit it. Some of you struggle with other things but not with weight
loss. Does that make life unfair? You decide. Well I actually think that there are different levels or
intensity of ‘struggle’. The struggle may be small, medium or large. I’d say the larger the struggle,
the more real it is.
I just saw a newspaper article about a little boy who swaps shoes with this Real difficult one here each morning.
This is because his friend complains that his shoes are too tight and so he is uncomfortable at
school all day! Somewhat of a struggle here
Not being able to afford shoes is a struggle for millions of people across the world and yet, there
are enough resources in the world for all of us to live comfortably.
I also just watched a news item with a Jewish man who is a husband, father and teacher and he
expressed real concern about living as a Jewish man in London. What with having security guards
at the synagogue and guard dogs by the school gates where little children have to pass every day!
What a way to live your life! Seems unnatural, doesn’t it? But for thousands, this is a struggle that’s
getting bigger and bigger each day. How do you explain to little children going to worship or school
that others don’t like them doing so, and worse, don’t even like the fact that they exist! Ouch! How
difficult that struggle!
Quite viral on Facebook now is the struggle faced by a young man who suffered through the illness
( and eventual death) of his young wife Chrissie. It’s been a really painful story to watch unravel on
social media! The first time I read about the struggle it was on a post on Facebook, and I cried! The
young man was pleading for support and prayers for his wife who was in her early twenties! You
could tell he was hollow from crying, begging, pleading, doing anything he could to get help for the
lady whose life seemed to be slipping away daily. And people did pray and give and give and I
even saw a video posted by Chrissie herself being brave and strong and encouraging others to
struggle on, and not give up! She said to not even complain or be sad as if you do, the devil wins!
Well soon after, she died! Again I cried when I heard, and I imagine just how that young man and
millions of others felt about the way that struggle ended. Well actually, the struggle doesn’t end!
She’s been buried. But the pain, disbelief and anger linger on. Her husband in his latest post has
revealed that he found out that the doctors had some fault to bear! Imagine finding that out, but,
too late in the struggle to really do anything significant. I support the idea that if you struggle, try to
get as much help as you can. But what do you do when the struggle still results in death?
Can struggle really be bigger than death? Surely it can’t! Well, I think facing death is the biggest
struggle! You’ve got to be super brave to just want to die with no thought of what next. But you do
have to think! In fact, most of you have already thought about what next. The bible says that it is
appointed to man once to die, but after death, the judgement! Yes, there will be a judgement made
about how you have spent the time you had while on earth! As you faced your struggle daily, have
you considered the hereafter? Choose a life where your future is secure! That can be had by giving
your life to Christ, choosing to live a life of service to others. After all, it’s not just about you! Other
people face the daily struggle too.
So is your struggle real? Is it small, medium or large? How does it compare to the struggle other
people face? And what will you do, about ensuring that you make the correct decision about your most real struggle?
If your struggle involves money, you may want to read this post about living within your budget or this one about how you can actually avoid having more month left at the end of the money.
Thanks for sharing. Sometimes it’s quite helpful to put your struggles in comparison with the worst possible and it can help. I think the main thing to consider is whether you can move on. Are you strong enough? In all cases, you are. Because you wouldn’t be given these moments if you weren’t already capable. Keep on fighting! ☺
Thanks for visiting Jess. Just a reminder that our little daily struggles are nothing compared to what some other people are going through! Put things into perspective, doesn’t it?