10 Simple things that make me smile
I’ve actually challenged myself to do this; to write about things that actually put a smile on my face. At first I was stuck at about three or four and then all I had to do was to think of some things I wouldn’t want to do without! I’ve decided to share ten things that make me smile. I’ll leave the other half a million for other posts. Hopefully you will be inspired by my list and think of your own. Share them with me in the comments below.
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I don’t mean a computer, I mean a laptop. The fact that I can unplug it and move to another room/house/city/country with it is what makes me smile. I remember the days when all I had was a desktop version of the computer and I loved it, until I discovered the freedom and convenience of a laptop. Oh, the hassle and agony to take a computer in for repairs when it’s the desktop version! So yes, my laptop allows me to have a cheery smile. Which do you prefer?
4wheel suitcase
I love to travel and have traveled to several countries over the years. Looking back now, I remember struggling with one or two (usually two) suitcases with two wheels each. Omg! I used to sweat! It meant having to lean those things towards you on the two wheels and pull the fifty miles or so to the check in! I’ve since invested in a whole set with four wheels. They are easy to use, navigating through airport lounges. I smile when I see people struggling with their uncooperative suitcases flipping over and I glide pass with mine. Brings a smile every time.
Christmas; in fact any holiday
I really wonder what ever I would do without Christmas and other holidays like Easter, etc. In fact, every break I get from school is a cause for celebration. I’m glad I don’t live particularly near to school and the schoolchildren! Family time for me is everything! And every minute I get to be home with my family makes my frown turn upside down.
Have you ever felt so tired, you could hug your bed? I remember the days when I used to come home in the dark from that exhausting job that I left, (read about it here) that when I finally put in a few more hours of work in preparation for the next day’s vicious cycle and saw my bed, I was beaming! Absolutely in love for a few hours. The days of freshly laundered sheets and fluffy cushions…dreamy.
Smell of freshly made bread
I think the first time I made bread I was already a teacher. But I watched Paul making it with a group o13-year-olds and the smell got me! I mean, yes they were having fun making it but it was the smell that got me. That day, I went home and made my own bread! I haven’t looked back. It’s one of the most pleasant smells ever and reminds of my teenage years when a bakery opened near to my home and I just couldn’t resist the smell, I had to stop and buy a small round loaf. Oftentimes I was so bloated (I think the yeast was still fermenting in me from the warm bread), I didn’t have space to eat dinner! Do you think that’s why I’m still fat? Lol
By the way, if enough of you say yes, I’ll do a post on how to make bread! I’ve taught so many people how to do this simple yet enjoyable pleasure, that I’m smiling now about infecting all of my friends with the bug. If you feel sad or down one day, get up and make a batch of bread (which you can make into rolls) and do a good deed, give some to your neighbours while it is still warm.
Comfy shoes like skechers
I didn’t have many shoes growing up. There were too many of us and I think the corns and callouses on my feet are scars that remind me of wearing shoes that were way too small for me! The truth is, I didn’t even complain. I just assumed that that was a part of growing up. But then again, others faced not having any shoes at all! I remember two uncles who used to go to school barefooted and I used to wonder how they managed it, running and prancing about in the school like it was nothing.And back then, it was really hot! Nowadays, I must admit I have two many shoes. No, I’m not an Imelda Marcus but when you consider that you can only wear one pair at a time…
Although I have too many, I only have a few that I really like. And guess what? I don’t like them for their looks, I like them for their comfort. Having spent too many years in tight shoes, I can now actually feel my feet smile when I slip on my newest favourite black skechers walking shoes. Heaven. It’s made of light delicate yet strong stuff, And although I haven’t tried to yet, they seem washable!
I’m a little embarrassed but my all time favourite shoe is the one I wear to work most days. My sister says they’re ugly and look quite like a frog! But I smiled the day I tried them on in Clarkes shoe store and spent more than I ever have, on one pair of shoes! They are comfortable beyond belief. I just can’t explain it, but for comfort sake, I would wear them everyday if I could get away with it. In fact, one day I wore it to church! I got too many stares though, so I wont do it again.
Recently I spent many many months going through a dark phase in my life. When I finally agreed to counselling, I was told that I spent all of my waking hours doing things for other people and that I should find a hobby or something to do that I would enjoy and that would help to take my mind off things. Well, I reestablished my relationship with crocheting! Who could have told me that when my mom sent my sister and I to the neighbour, Gretel, when we were only about 9years old, that I would come back to add to the chain stitch I learnt then! Doing chains is the easiest thing ever, and I didn’t get much farther than that, forty years ago. So when I finally took up crocheting again, I made blankets, scarves etc to give to my friends. Not only that, I also taught a few little girls how to crochet and one, especially is making a whole lot of progress. I joked with her last week that although she’s only 13, she could open a shop and sell her beautifully crafted items. That too, brings me a cheery smile.
Abstract art painting
I know I’ve harped on about the dark days I went through, and I promise, this will be the last. But during those times, a member of staff at my school started to run some after school sessions just for teachers. It couldn’t have come at a better time! I must share this post with Mr McIlwraith as I don’t think I really told him how grateful I was for those sessions. He would dutifully set out all the supplies in a carefully thought out way and then introduce us to one artist and his work, or to a particular theme. My favourite kind of art is painting abstract pieces on canvas with acrylic paint. You know why? Because if they are abstract, they are beautiful (you see what you want to see and have your own perspective influence you!) I was never good at faces, and plants etc but I’m a great abstract artist. Yep! You heard right. Some of my pieces grace the wall of my front porch and though I wouldn’t put them in a gallery, they’re right where they need to be to give me a smile every time I come home or I leave. When Mr McIlwraith took one of my pieces for an exhibition he was having, I felt proud. Like, there, no one can tell yours from the professionals’!
Little kids
What better way to put a smile on your face than being around little kids? Who remembers the tv show Kids Say The Darndest Things? It was a little comedy show with kids and some of the silliest little things they say or get up to. I was always in fits of laughter at these cute clever creatures. So every time I get a chance to be around them, I take it up (free baby sitting to some of my friends). They always end up interviewing me after I finish interviewing them. They ask the silliest things that are bound to make me crack up laughing. I love catching them off guard and scaring them, but also teaching them stuff I think they need to know; their letters and numbers, how to read etc. Kids have the cute factor, don’t they?
My blog
Since January 2016, the thing that has brought me the most smiles is my blog. After all, it’s my little place on the World Wide Web. I enjoy writing, connecting with others, seeing what others write and being in the zone. Although some days are harder than others, I’m so happy I have this. Rosemarie Groner of The Busy Budgeter wouldn’t know what a Godsend she is and how happy I was when I stumbled upon a blog post she wrote on Pinterest! It opened my eyes to the possibilities that I didn’t even know existed! And if given the good luck to be a full-time blogger on half my current salary, I would take it. If you would like to start your own blog, I’ve outlined an easy step by step method on how you could start your own blog here. You can use a good hosting service provider like Siteground, Bluehost as they have a good deal going now.
Do you share any of my smiles? I hope so. I just love being positive as I know it will brighten someone else’s day as so many people are going through a lot of different challenges right now.
Have an awesome week and remember to sign up for our weekly newsletter to see what we get up to. You can do it in the box below or the one on the right side if you want to get some free Jamaican recipes!
What makes me happy on a daily basis is how supported and loved I am. Great post
Nothing like warm, fuzzy love, is there? Thanks for your inspiration today, and all the very best.
Christmas and holidays make me happy too.
There you go! We are true happy people. All the best for the season to you and yours.
I like the smell of bread, holidays, and little kids too – that’s why I’m a substitute teacher!
This article made me smile. All of these are simple yet powerful when we’re grateful for them. I would love to link back to this in my upcoming post if that’s okay?
Sure! That would be great!
I love that your blog is one of the things that put a smile on yor face! That’s the way its supposed to be 🙂 reading your blogs actually puts a smile on my face 😉
As always, I feel inspired by your writing and need to creat my own list! what I know for sure is, that bed, cats and some chocolate cake will be part of it 😀
Simple and positive! I love the message of this article. Focus on the little joys!
Loved this!