We have had such an amazing flood of emails and post comments about the post on Inspiration to become a Work at Home Mom that we have decided to do a series on this most popular topic! There are so many people who would like to give up working for Caesar! This is awesome news so we will do the research and pass on the information because that’s just what we do.
By the way, if you are one of the few who did not see that awesome post that went viral on Pinterest then by all means here it is.
One of the things we have come to realize too is that there are many people both in the United States and in the United Kingdom (as well as in other parts of the world) who want to take this leap of faith, so like I have said, we will find the rag to riches stories to share with you and hopefully this will inspire you. So by popular demand, we have made you a free printable which you can use to find a vast array of companies who are willing to hire you to work from home.
If you are reading this, chances are you would have heard of Elite Blog Academy. That is the online school that offers paid courses as well as tons of freebies to get you to understand the ins and outs of blogging, set up your own blog and learn tried and proven ways to make a full-time income from it.
Well, the lady who set up this Elite Blog Academy is Ruth Soukup. Her site is called Living Well Spending Less. Here is her story in her own words:
‘I started writing Living Well Spending Less in 2010 because my spending habits had become so out-of-control that my marriage was in big trouble. I desperately needed to find a way to hold myself accountable, and writing about my challenges with living well on a budget really helped.
Spending wildly wasn’t something I did intentionally, but the more I tried to fill my inner void with stuff, the more unsatisfied I felt.
But now, years later, I have come to some important realizations. First, I’ve realized that I actually like saving money. Sticking to a budget forces me to tap into a creativity I never knew existed, and it is surprisingly fun and satisfying.
Second, and even more importantly, my own definition of what “Living Well” means has changed. I’ve realized that all those things I thought I wanted and needed don’t really mean anything in the grand scheme of things, and a life well lived is not so much about what we have as who we are’.
As a result of putting herself on this spending ‘diet’, Ruth started Elite Blog Academy. She moved from no earning at all to now being one of the wealthiest women in America! She rocks! She blogs! You can too.
I am not going to make everything seem all rosy. No. There are difficulties but every challenge will, in the long run, become your victory….and who is this victory for? That’s right! You, not Caesar.
Another awe-inspiring lady is Rosemarie Groner. She is a wife, mother, and blogger. She worked for the police force but gladly gave it up to become her own boss! Along with Ruth, she can now say’ I am the boss of me!’. she too is an amazing entrepreneur! Last month (February 2017) Rosemarie made $91,000 with her stay at home job. Her blog site is busybudgeter.com.
She gives advice on budgeting and money matters and she is an avid promoter of this course from Elite Blog Academy which is what boosted her confidence and also her amazing income. About working from home she says: ‘I won’t lie. It’s a pretty awesome job. I get to help people every single day and I get to stay home with my family while I do it. I can work in my pajamas, in bed, on the deck, at the park, on vacation, or even at the local Starbucks. And it didn’t take me years to learn enough to make a living at this. I reached full-time income with the blog within 12 months of starting it. ’
I too like the freedom that blogging offers. Right now, I’m home, writing this post, in by bedroom. The kids have gone to school. The only sound right now is from the keys of my keyboard and a few chirping birds outside. To think I do this and make a living is just A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
If I am not writing a post, I may be pinning on Pinterest or doing some work to earn me additional income through Affiliate Marketing. This leads me on nicely to tell you about this other awesome female: Michelle Shrouder-Gardner.
Michelle blogs at Makingsenseofcents. She is one smart cookie! She has a number of degrees behind her name but unfortunately, the studying left her with $38 thousand in debt for student loans. She took this as inspiration to start her own blog, monetize it and help others along the way to get their finances in order. With the income, she has managed to pay off all her student loan in a short space of time.
Along with her husband, Michelle is touring North America and living the high life. In addition to her blog, Michelle made this easy to understand practical course which teaches how to make money through your blog with affiliate marketing. Let me tell you, I have done the course and it is really comforting to know that you can make money so easily!
She too was greatly influenced by this course from Elite Blog Academy
I don’t know if you have noticed a trend but so far I see two common denominators: Elite Blog Academy and Blogging. Sure there are lots of other legitimate ways to make money working from home. Remember to get our free printable which list many companies offering work from home opportunities.
Money is there to be made but too many people are overtaken by fear of the unknown so they don’t make the move. It’s time to face your fears and do not allow yourself to be defeated.
One thing I really admire about being in the blogging world is that bloggers help bloggers. We don’t all have all the skills we need to blog successfully (no one in the big wide world has all the skills they need to live so that they don’t depend on anyone else. In the blogging field, it’s a big but supportive community.
I am not tech savvy, but I know bloggers who are and they are willing to help.
There are some who don’t have a good grasp of language and grammar and I offer my help in that regard and you can always depend on that.
Without this intensive course though, from Elite Blog Academy, you may find blogging painfully difficult. Once you get the hang of it, however, and get to share with others in a similar position as yourself, you will find the world of opportunities out there to make money from blogging. See your blog as your little piece of the World Wide Web.
Check out this post on how to start a blog. It is not hard and if you have the time on your hands, it will be a worthwhile investment. This post will show you some of my favorite ways some of my favourite way to make money from my blog.
Think about it first before you invest in Elite Blog Academy (yes it is an investment) and if you are a praying person then pray about it but I assure you if you follow the step by step course, accept that some things you will not be able to do on your own and give it your all, then the investment will be worth it and you can thank me (lol) when the money starts rolling in.
As a result of our blogging, we have been featured on Channel 5 on the program Shop Smart Save Money. It has been fun and exciting and has opened up so many other opportunities for us! We will begin filming for the next series soon.
Also, the blog has made it to the final 6 in the UK Money Bloggers SHOMOS of 2018! How amazing is that? I would strongly advise anyone who has a passion for anything, to set up a blog, and see where it takes you.
Remember you can read part one of this post here and if you would like our free printable which gives information on companies hiring for work at home jobs, it’s below.
Have a great week.
Sign up here for the work from home list.
When I started my first blog last year, I knew I was destined to be my own boss.
I’m excited to say I’m just 3 weeks away from launching Next Level Blogging, which is my dream come true.
My advice, find your passion and go for it! I had less than $2 in my bank account when I launched my self hosted blog and started using affiliate marketing right away!
Sure I made some mistakes, but I learned from them! The biggest lesson I learned, is to never give up, even when others don’t support my choices.
Great post!
Excellent article! I came here via your Pinterest group board — would love to be added to any of your group boards by the way (Deborah, The Light Of Happiness, @tlohappiness) — and I’m inspired by your entire website. I’m a woman blogger and it is motivating to find so many incredible examples of empowered women here! Thank you for all you do, Jo and Leisa!
Thanks Deborah. I will add you to the board now.
I’m still on Unit 2 of EBA and it was Rosemary who inspired me to start blogging! I totally support what you’re saying – my dream is to work from home.
It will be the best decision. All the best
This is so encouraging! I’m currently trying to build my blog and audience so that it can become my sole source of income. I’m so motivated by these ladies. Thank you!
Amy I really do hope that things work out for you. Let’s know if there’s any way we can help you.
I love the great advice and positive energy you share! Definitely checking out all of your resources and tips.
Hi Heather. We are always happy to help. Stop by anytime. Love.
Thank you so much! The article is so informative. Being your own boss is awesome!