Acts of kindness are so easy to do and get involved in!
Being frugal does not mean being selfish. In fact some of the kindest people are frugal folks who give from the heart. Grateful recipients of gifts know too that the best gifts are not necessarily the most expensive ones. Frugal folks like to give of what they have, to friends, family and sometimes even complete strangers.
I would like to encourage you too, whether or not you are a frugal person, to share with others and to show random acts of kindness. I like doing this and I must report that I get a ton load of pleasure in return. You can check here to see ideas of how you can share random acts of kindness. (frugal ways to give back)
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Today, for example, we have had a forecast of heavy snow. As I am not at work, I decided to see how I could help an elderly lady who once attended my church. I left my house with two aims in mind, smile with as many people as I could (quite random I know!) and also to take this lady to pick up whatever she needed from the shops to avoid having to go out once it snowed. As we walked around the supermarket, I smiled at as many people as I could and one man even commented that it was a rare sight to see smiling people as these days people just seem so grumpy. It was a good feeling knowing I was helping someone else and I also had the opportunity to pick up a few items I myself needed at the supermarket. Once we were leaving the supermarket, I found some money, so win, win all around.
Here are some suggestions for you, random acts of kindness that you yourself can carry out.
The list is by no means exhaustive and I am sure you will be able to add lots more to the list according to your own personal circumstances.
- Take out the garbage for someone else. Can you imagine the grateful bewilderment that would take place to your neighbour if they came out and found that their garbage had already been put out? Try it. If they are ill, old, disabled or pregnant, they will really appreciate this. Why not take it a step further and bring the garbage receptacle back to their property for them? My post on being a good neighbour will give you more ideas.
2. Package dried flower seeds from your own garden and give them to strangers. I’ve done that and it’s very gratifying. I dry the seeds, put them in a tiny piece of cling film and then into a fancy little bag or envelope with a label on which says what seeds they are and perhaps a little thought. It does not cost a lot but can bring so much pleasure and goodwill. Here’s what one of mine look like.
3. Offer voluntary service. There are many organisations which serve the local community that could do with some help. Be it a food bank, library or the local community centre. If the need exists, you are doing humanity a favour by offering your help.
4. Make a donation, no matter how small, to a charitable organisation or individual.
5. Pick up your phone, look for a contact that you have not been in touch with for ages. Send them a ‘sweet’ text with lots of kisses at the end.
6. Assist an elderly or disabled person to cross the road.
7. Offer to fill out a form for someone else who finds it difficult or whose main language might not be English.
9. When you clear your walkway or driveway of snow, then consider clearing one other as well.
10. If you see someone’s lace undone, ask kindly if you could do it up for them and do it. Be as random as that.
11. On a busy commute, be it on a train or bus, offer your seat to someone else.
If we all could do our part, humanity would be better off for it. And what an absolutely wonderful feeling it is when you step out of your comfort zone to do a good deed for someone else.
Most of the acts of kindness above cost nothing at all or are not expensive. Therefore it is something we all can do. This world operates on a frugal cycle where one good turn deserves another.
Thanks for reading to the end. I want to do my latest random act of kindness too. If you send me a photo of yourself doing some random act of kindness, I will send you a copy of my recently published book Living Life While Squeezing Lemons. How random is that? Send your photo via email to By sending us your photo, you are saying that we have your permission to publish said photo!
Great minds think alike! Join and do your own acts of kindness
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Hi there!
I love your blog! You have great advice for living a frugal, honest, life.
I have been following you boards on Pinterest. I love your boards and the information they provide (just like your blog).
I was hoping to be a contributor for somebof them. If you are willing to add me my Pinterest name is doryfitzblog and my email is!
The boards I would love to contribute to are- Living Life while Squeezing Lemons and Frugal/thrifty 101. Thank you for your killer content!
All the best
Thanks for your kind comments Katelyn. I have added you to the two boards as requested. Well done, and happy pinning! I absolutely love Pinterest.
This is a beautiful heartfelt post! It is so true that we don’t need a lot of money to show love to others or to be kind. We grew up being taught these things and sometimes I feel like people have forgotten just basic human kindness a lot of the time. Thank you for the reminder.
The world would be such a lovelier place if we all practised these little things. I hope you do share and benefit from this type of kindness daily. All the best to you and do remember to stop being again soon.
What a lovely post. It pays to be kind all the time. I would love to have you as my neighbor.
As www, thanks lady! We would be good neighbours, wouldn’t we? Thanks for stopping by.
Lovely ideas! I wanted to make a donation this weekend to a local organization. Much love to you!
Do it Nina! The world needs more of us. I know for sure that the world has enough resources for all of us. But some of us just need to share more. Thanks so much for stopping by the blog too. Love and blessing to you too.
Great! I think we sometimes get caught up in the idea that we need to go big, elaborate, and expensive and don’t think about the fact that small things mean a lot.
My best gifts were from the heart and didn’t cost very much in monetary terms. Do jump on the frugal living wheel Rachel! And thanks for stopping by too!
My favorite thing to do is to compliment every stranger I come in contact with. I do it all day long and it makes the day so much more fun, I think for both me and the stranger!
Yesterday I told two ladies they looked fly and gorgeous. Today I told a woman her earrings were beautiful and another woman her glasses were lookin’ good. I told a man he was looking sharp and I was proud to see him at the gym that day.
It is so much fun!
That’s such a lovely thing to do Liz! If only more of us were like that! I enjoy doing that too! It is truly a pleasure and the good thing is that it is for both parties.
I love this post Jo and Leisa, it reminds me that I don’t do enough for my fellow human beings. Thanks so much for sharing and being so caring.
I love all these ideas. What great ways to help others!!
Thanks! And it feels so good too!
Fantastic ideas!!
Thanks for sharing…lovely blog. I’m stopping over from the Share your blog fb group and I’m really happy to meet you!
Great post and some great ideas too. I try and be as kind as I can but sometimes people don’t make it too easy for you.
Great post and ideas! I liked reading it and I look forward to more posts! Thank you!
What an uplifting post! I love the simplicity. Sometimes I get caught up in life and think I have to do some big act of service instead of remembering how something as small as taking out the garbage for someone can be so appreciated. After all, when we are in the service of our fellow man we are in the service of our God!
So true Brenda. Life would be so sweet if we all did these little acts.
Great post! I always LOVE ideas on how to be kind to people. Another idea I have is to tell or write an encouraging note to someone telling them the good qualities you have seen in them and/or thanking them for something that they have done for you and/or a loved one.
What a sweet post for reminding us to always be thoughtful of others. One of the things hat attracted me to my hubby was his kindness. He was always holding the door for others when we were out and about. He always helped pick up and return things that others dropped. Definitely something I was not used to seeing. This post has perfect timing. I especially love #5!! ???
Awe…I loved this post. Sometimes I do, that might sound a little odd is give my leftovers after leaving a restaurant to a homeless person. Even if the leftovers would be so great tomorrow afternoon or when I am thinking of eating it. If I can help someone else who doesn’t have as much as I do, then I am going to help that person. I love the aspect of giving in that it doesn’t have to cost a lot of money to make someone’s day. When I was a stay at home mom, just someone smiling at me and an “adult” talking to me was enough to brighten my day. Awesome post. I look forward to reading more.
I love this list! A little kindness really goes a long way and can make someone’s day. We need more of this kind of attitude in the world. 🙂
Cheers, Sarah Camille //
Really enjoyed this post! It’s the small things that can make a big positive difference in the world!
Elizabeth |
I absolutely agree that you can be frugal and still be generous. It’s easy to think of generosity only in terms of money, but you can help and be kind to others without a big price tag. I love the suggestion to share seeds from your own garden!
This statement right here is on point and so true! “Grateful recipients of gifts know too that the best gifts are not necessarily the most expensive ones.” I find it is the receiver who usually has the hardest time receiving random acts of kindness. And when we learn to be kind and be grateful, we are great examples of God’s love. I always enjoy reading your encouragement posts, teaching others that when life gives you lemons make lemonade. That’s why we nominated you for The Blogger Recognition Award. You can read more about that here:
Thanks so much Timberley!
Such lovely, simple acts of kindness! It’s little things like this that make the world a better place ♡. Thank you for the wonderful inspiration ?
My favorite random act of kindness is paying for the Person’s coffee behind me in line at Starbucks !
Great reminders of all of those little things we can do to improve our and others quality of life. Thanks for the ideas!
Random acts of kindness are better than monetary gifts, imo. It’s just more sincere and meaningful but thank you for this inspiring post!
What a beautiful list you compiled to love on others! Definitely saving this to come back to! One of my five things is living generously and I love how you express you can be generous and frugal at the same time. Thanks for your inspiration! ?
Thanks so much for stopping by Jess. All the best as you continue to give of yourself.
Such an uplifting post! I really like your idea of giving away seeds–your little DIY is great! Have a wonderful day!
These are such great ideas! Thank you for sharing them! ?
I love this list and, most especially, the heart of a servant focus behind it. We need more loving service in our world. I’m glad I found my way to your blog.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for your comment
Hi, Ladies! Totally unrelated to this post, but I was married in Jamaica! Montego Bay to be exact! South Coast WH is also one of my favorite places to visit!
I’m also a personal finance blogger, and I am loving these tips! A little kindness goes a long way, and sometimes we may feel like we have nothing to give or offer, but EVERYONE can offer love and assistance! <3
Great news, Melissa! I’m sure you enjoyed your time in Jamaica. All the very best with your blog too.
I love the idea of packaging the flowers and giving to people. All of these are great ways to be kind. 🙂
Great idea! No matter how small your ramdom act of kindness is it is always welcome. We should all aim to do at least one a day. It does help others around us but also helps us too! Great job on your wonderful post!
I absolutely love the seeds idea! What a creative and simple idea. All of these would definitely brighten my day! Love your blog!
Thanks so much for your kind words. Most people I know love flowers, so the free seeds idea is really a no-brainer. Thanks so much for stopping by.
Hi! I just want to say these are all great ideas and I’m glad to see that there are some people in the world still doing these small but very important tasks. If people took more time to do little things like this for each other people would be a lot happier with each other.
Your so right! It takes absolutely nothing to be good hearted and make other people fays through genuin good gestures. This was a good read. Thank you for the post
I’m a big believer in paying it forward and I love this post! I hadn’t considered all the different ways I could ‘frugally’ give! Thanks for the ideas! Great post!
What an inspirational post. If more people did random acts of kindness then the world as a whole would be such a better place.
I see so much more of this these days and it truly warms my heart. Let’s do what we can, Paul. You have a lovely day.
simple act of kindness ripples continuously. you pay it forward, other will benefit from it. such a lovely post.
This is the sweetest inexpensive listing of how to be good to each other. Thanks for this priceless post!
Such lovely insights. This is something that everyone should follow and the world will become a better place.
Some great ideas here I agree being frugal doesn’t mean being mean but being resourceful – I think voluntary service is one the greatest free acts of kindness you can extend.
Honestly, I’m going to need someone to help me fill out the forms to apply for social security and Medicare soon. Hopefully, some kindhearted soul will step up when the time comes. 🙂
Hi Shirley
I sure hope you will find someone to help you. Check into a local Citizen’s Advice Bureau or church if you have them near you. Good luck with that.