I can’t recommend Elite blog Academy enough! When I started my blog, I honestly didn’t have a clue! I used to write about any and every thing! I had no focus! I am slightly embarrassed about how I treated my blog then! But you can see one of my early posts here. The course has taught me how to set up and run a blog the proper way. Not only that, it has shown me ways to actually channel my passion for blogging into an income stream. As a result of doing this course, I was also able to publish my first book, Living Life While Squeezing Lemons. It’s been one of my proudest moments.
In the early days of my blog, I used to spend hours each day manually pinning my posts as well as others onto Pinterest. You see, most of the people who visit my blog (traffic) came directly from Pinterest. So I am eager for them to see more of my content. Since I have discovered Tailwind, I spend much less time pinning posts because with a few clicks, it allows me to share posts immediately but it also allows me to schedule posts to be shared later.
Some time before I started blogging, I discovered Pinterest. I was amazed at the amount of content there was to find there! If you want to cook, make, or do anything, you can find out by going to Pinterest. It’s my favourite spot on the Internet (next to my blog of course). If you don’t have an account yet, make one and you’ll see how quickly you are hooked! My most loved boards range from gardening and orchids to crochet and foods, not to mention blogging.
QMEE Code 
Since the first time I heard about this easy way of making some free easy money online, I’ve been using it almost every day. What it is, is an extension that you get on your computer that allows you to get some money (small amounts, but it adds up), for each time that you SEARCH or SHOP online on certain sites like Amazon, eBay and Google etc. Click on my link and you can create your own account and start making money right away. You can then transfer your money to your own PayPal account. After a while, you get the chance to fill out surveys (more money for that) and also you get a link that you can share with others. If they sign up, you get extra some money too.
I like shopping but I find that I can waste hours going from shop to shop when I could be doing more productive and profitable things. For that reason, I use Amazon a lot. They sell everything from a pin to an anchor, and everything in between. Because shipping and customer service are usually very good, I am drawn to use them a lot. Being an affiliate was the natural progression for me because not only do I shop there, I promote their products on my site, and get paid for it.
When I first started blogging my site was hosted by a company that was absolutely dismal in terms of performance. Several times throughout my first few months, my site could not be accessed several times! It was depressing. I had to call up its customer service team quite often and though they sounded quite sincere, they just couldn’t help me- they didn’t have the capacity. My site is now hosted by Siteground who are much more professional, have the capacity, and are tops in my opinion with customer service as a priority.
For a long time now, we’ve been looking for a comprehensive blogging course that is not US based and we have finally found it. Emma Drew is a six-figure blogger living in the UK and she has used her years of tried and tested knowledge to put this course together. Although I had already done a blogging course already, I liked that Emma was in my niche, she is down to earth and responsive to my queries. Most of all, the course is much less expensive than the others I have seen around and in my first night of checking out the course, I managed to learn 3 useful techniques which I implemented on my blog right away.