The main reason I love December is that it’s the only month that has such a good range of people, places and ideas that leave me with such a warm, fuzzy feeling. Of course, there are other reasons, and these are what I am sharing with you today.
Just to let you know too, that this year we are doing Vlogmas on our Youtube Channel! Check us out!
Celebrating a Birthday
This morning, it really dawned on me that as an adult, your birthday and Christmas wish lists do get smaller because the things you really want can’t be bought with money. Do you find that this is true too? As December 22 nears, all I can think of that I want is just to be healthy and happy. That is why this year I’ve decided to dwell on things that make me happy and fulfilled, not on things and people that drag me down and make me feel worse.
As a child, I had a long wish list every year for my birthday. Needless to say, most times I only got one of those items but it was wrapped and carefully put away for Christmas. Was I happy then? Heck, yeah. I got used to it and being with my family at Christmas and celebrating my birthday with them, has always made me happy.
Want to see what I wished for as a child? It’s something that’s quite affordable now but was very expensive when I was a child. I got my ultimate dream gift finally one year. Don’t laugh at me but it was such a dreamy December the year when my dream came through. I was only seven years old, so I was allowed.
Last great gift I got for my birthday, was a book launch for my very own book, Living Life While Squeezing Lemons.
Oh, how our priorities change when we get older.
Christmas would just seem strange at any other time of the year, wouldn’t it? No wonder we equate December with Christmas. This year, I was in Florida up until November 7 and yet all the major stores I went into had their Christmas decorations up. I mean, it wasn’t even Thanksgiving yet, and still, they couldn’t wait for December and Christmas. I love the sights and smells of Christmas so I didn’t really mind.
Living in England now forces me to have to dress warmly for the weather conditions we usually have. Donning my favourite red coat, touchscreen gloves and woollen scarf, and singing Christmas carols on our local High Street with other church members is one of the things I look forward to every year. Of course, we always get freezing cold but seeing folk on the street stop by to sing along and to donate to our chosen charity (summer camp facilities for the disabled) is always worth it. And so does a really warm cup of my favourite [easyazon_link identifier=”B00C00DFQO” locale=”US” tag=”joleisacom21-20″]hot chocolate[/easyazon_link].
World AIDS Day
I don’t know what got over me this year but I totally forgot World Aids Day on the first of December. One day, years ago, this day had real significance for me. I had found these oily looking blemishes came out on my chest, face and arms. I went to the doctors and they referred me to a specialist clinic. A blood test was ordered. The test was for HIV- AIDS! I was absolutely in shock! I didn’t tell anyone, and for days, I existed in a dazed state. When the results came back clear and my blemishes mysteriously cleared up without treatment, I vowed from that day to at least spare a thought for those people who are diagnosed every day with HIV/AIDS. It reminds me to live as risk-free a life as possible, for fear of ever being diagnosed with AIDS.
Homelessness and Giving
Is it just me, or are there more homeless people on the streets in December? Anyway, this gives me the chance to do my bit for charity. Last year we made crocheted scarves and hats and donated them. This year, I joined the UK Money Bloggers and participated in the Reverse Advent Calendar Campaign. You can read about it here. And don’t forget that it is never too early or too late to give to those around you. Many ordinary looking people have extremely difficult Christmases as they are just unable to provide even the basics for their family members. Please do give as much as you can afford to. Who knows, one day you or I may need help too.
My Grandmother
I have very fond memories of my Grandmother and I think about her a lot on her birthday- December 1. As kids, we though her room was a real wonderland. Her bed had one of these storage things at the end. I think they used to call it a trunk. It always amazed us to see the pretty towels and bedspreads that she had. I often wonder why she always opened it up and showed us all her fancy stuff. I think it gave her just as much pleasure to show them to us as we had, looking at them.
Miss Lou was also a great cook and I learnt how to make several things including stews and Jamaican fried dumplings from her. She made us laugh too. But my biggest laugh I got from her was watching her ‘read’ the newspaper. I had a feeling that she couldn’t read but I didn’t know for sure. She seemed to move her eyes really fast across the page. Not only that, but she also moved her lips, without saying a thing! And when we asked her about it, we were playfully marched out of her room. She was such a wonderful lady, may her soul rest in peace.
All Glitter
December is a month for glitter and glamour. There are Christmas events to go to, like office parties and Christmas and New Year’s Eve Balls. You cant go wrong for turning up in a [easyazon_image align=”none” height=”160″ identifier=”B072J4CMCJ” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”joleisacom21-20″ width=”123″] or [easyazon_image align=”none” height=”160″ identifier=”B07449LGVJ” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”joleisacom21-20″ width=”123″].
Resolutions and All That Jazz
It’s a habit of mine, in December, to reflect on how my year has gone, and make plans for the year ahead. I don’t like to call it resolutions like that to me has the connotation that it is easy and likely to be broken before very long. I want to give myself every fighting chance to be successful in the plans I make. I must say that, although I didn’t achieve all that I set out to do this year, I am still quite happy that I did sit and take stock of things. You can’t dream big if you don’t even close your eyes! (I just made that up, my new thought for the week.)
Family Time
Is there any other month of the year when most family members, including kids, get to spend at least two weeks together? December is it! And I absolutely love it! What do I do? Well, there are games to play, cakes to make, neighbours to see, and fun to be had. There’s also time for exchanging gifts, cooking together, and just relaxing. Maybe if I really take stock, I put on more weight in December than I do in any other month of the year. Not that this is a good thing, but it’s reflective of my totally chilled and relaxed frame of mind and body at this time of the year. Did I already say that I absolutely love it? oh, yes!
Card Making
Do you like making your own Christmas cards? I do, because not only is it a frugal idea, but it is also quite fun, and very relaxing. Throughout the year, I gather my supplies, including used cards, [easyazon_link identifier=”B001G9EBDG” locale=”US” tag=”joleisacom21-20″]glue[/easyazon_link], and my prized [easyazon_link identifier=”B00R50G85Y” locale=”US” tag=”joleisacom21-20″]Sizzix machine[/easyazon_link] which my friend Helen told me about.
Wreath Making
I love making wreaths, but this one was the best. Made last year, I found it quite simple and effective, using only two items. It is the one I use on the front window again this year. Nowadays I like doing anything relaxing which gives me a chance for mental reflection. Is it old age? Well, if it is, I welcome it. Let me know how you like my wreath.
If you’d still like to read about more memorable and even wacky celebratory days in December, you can check out this post which I found by doing a Google search.
For so many reasons, December is my favourite month of the year. It can be yours too.
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Nice article. well, i really love December, because I have a lot of things to celebrate in this month, my anniversary, Christmas, new year and the rain 😀
Thanks for sharing your love of December with us. Hope you had a lovely Christmas in the UK. I’ll have to check out your book!
Yes, December is a special month for so many reasons. It makes you think of what you have achieved during the year and what are your goals for the next year. I too become more fond of memories, missing our loves ones who are not here anymore… 2018 is around the corner whit so many possibilities! Cheers to life!
I absolutely love December, not only because it’s my husband and mother’s birthday but the fact that I can share more, give more and get the time to spend with families. It’s a time for reflection and as joleisa says relaxing, yes it is, and I love every moment of it. Be who you are and the best you can be. joleisa continue to put a smile on my face and joy in my heart. Really appreciate what you are doing and God bless you and your ministry.