You must admit it! Life is one heck of a thing, isn’t it? When I check to see who reads my posts, I realise that my readers are from all over the world. Awesome!But guess what? We all do have certain things in common that we do. Some of them show that technology is taking over our lives! Both ours as well as our children’s! I remember when I left the Caribbean to live in Europe, my friend from Holland and I were talking about how things were with us in our own country. We discovered that we had so much in common even though we come from vastly different sides of the world! Let’s take for example, doing a quick whizz round and tidy up if you know a friend is coming round. Don’t we all do that? Well see my list below and I guarantee you that you can identify with more than half of them.
Admit that you’ve done at least one of these
1. Turn the cooker off after using it and go off to do something else. Wait, did I turn that cooker off? I better go check! I’ve driven back home already because I just couldn’t remember if I had turned it off!And I couldn’t face the loss and embarrassment (worse) of having a fire and the fire service to becalled out to my home! sometimes we have memory loss.2. Step into the bath or shower. There’s no bath creme or shower gel! Oh no, I remember now, I did say I was going to bring a new one in, to the shower or refill the dispenser! Too late now, I’malready undressed, so I may as well do without it this one time! Has that happened to you at leastonce? Come on! No one is seeing your head nod!3. I think I’m hearing voices! But it’s not just me! Sometimes I swear I hear someone I know calling me! The voice is as clear as ever! Only, when I go downstairs, or open the door, or answer back, there’s no one there. Don’t think I’m going loopy? Do you? Well if I am, you are too. Lol4. This one always happens to me. I’m watching telly (which I don’t do very often) but I am soengrossed in the ‘feel good’ factor of what’s going on that, without even realising, I have a bigbroad grin on my face. It’s only when the room goes deathly quiet that I realise that all eyes are on me!5. Sometimes during a movie or video clip particularly with a really touching, emotional scene, I’ve found some salty liquid running down my cheeks. Don’t know what it is (lol), but I also find that I need a tissue during those times too!6. Ever notice how people’s phones come out, and the camera function busy, when they sit in arestaurant for a meal? Did they go to take photos? Or did they go for a meal? I swear thatrestaurants now spend more time wishing and hoping for their tables to be cleared so that otherscan come in, than they did years ago! So much meal time wasted on taking the photographs, andmany a waiter or waitress know now how to operate the camera on any smartphone because when you’re done taking pictures of the food, you then want pictures of yourself with the food. Oh boy!7. When you go to the car wash you envy the one who gets to empty the vacuum and who isundoubtedly rich with all the loose change! Have you ever thought about that? I know I do!8. If you’re eating something, swallow quickly before this one! You’ve been bursting for the toilet for what seems like ages, but not for a number one! Oh, the sweet relief when you finally get in,unsnap, or unzip, or pull down hastily what needs to be removed and take a seat. Feels like you’ve lost a few pounds, doesn’t it? But then you reach for the loo roll (toilet tissue). Only to find there’s none! OMG! Don’t tell me what you do.9. I cringe every time I remember this one! Did you know that mirrors aren’t always a good thing? I hope my former supervisor Paul isn’t going to read this! For about three days in a row, I was asked to remember to do something at home which we needed for work. Well, I kept forgetting. So on about the third morning when he came in and shouted his usual pleasantries at me, I made a big frown, and rolled my eyes while trying to respond because again I realised I had forgotten! Only to look up and see Paul in the corridor looking at me through the mirror that was in the room that I was in! He wasn’t in the same room but no doubt he saw me! Have you ever felt like you wanted the earth to open up?10. You’re in the shower or bath and, just for a split second you slip, or think ‘what if there’s anearthquake or fire or some other disaster?’ Or worse yet, what if the world is coming to an end?And then it dawns on you! Oh no, they’re gonna find me naked!How many on my list will you admit to? I know numbers 1 to 10 have caught me out, severaltimes over. Well if these don’t happen to you, you’re still special. Give yourself a hug, as youalways do.Special thanks to my friend and supporter Gentiana, no doubt living it up now in Denmark.Sign up below for our newsletter and to get more useful feel good feel, plus tips on living a better life financially.
This was quite a funny read. A number of these things have never crossed my mind though. lol.
That’s interesting Stacy! I wonder which ones haven’t? Thanks for popping by
This list is so funny. I do most of the things on your list except the last one, I am usually busy checking to be sure I shaved both legs 🙂
Lucky you Michele, you obviously have a fabulous physique and no worries about being found naked ssomewhere, lol.
Thanks much for popping by.
Jo and Leisa xxx
I’ve done the shower thing with shampoo…. I’ve shampooed with shower gel before! Hahaha. I am woman enough to admit it. Being chewy as I am. 😉 Have a great day ladies. Great blog you have here from one blogger to another.
Wanted to let you know about a little something, so look for an email from Bee at ChewyMom 🙂
Keep the goodness coming,
-May Bee of ChewyMom
I think there’s more there that you should admit to May Bee! lol
Can’t wait to hear about your little something! Shoot!
Have a great day too and I will check out your space now.