It’s kinda difficult to decide what you want to blog about. You can read my post HERE on how to narrow down your ideas until you decide on what is best to centre your blog on. One very feasible and topical one now is on being frugal. That’s my niche (area of focus). If you want to jump on that bandwagon, go right ahead. What I have decided to do is to help you on the way to blogging about frugal living.
Why Blog about Frugal Living?
Well, to put it bluntly, the most important reason is that most people want ideas as to how to make the most of their money, and as bloggers, our aim is to satisfy a need. Everyone wants value for money and who can blame them? They also want to stay within their budget. Also as responsible human beings, we should try to live within our means, share ideas with others and as far as possible try to live a sustainable lifestyle.
Where To Start
Well, a good starting point would be to search the World Wide Web to see what information you can find about all things frugal. The very best place to start, I think is Pinterest. Count yourself lucky because what I have done is to make up a list of sites all about frugal living. I’ll even share a secret with you, some of them have group boards on Pinterest which you can join.
Shall I also tell you how to ask whether you could contribute to the boards? I sound like an awesome salesman, don’t I? Well, I’m neither a man nor do I work in sales. Believe it or not, I am just trying to be helpful. By the way, if you are seriously considering blogging about frugal living or anything else click HERE for some useful information. It’s what I used to get started on blogging.
Here’s how to ask to contribute to a board
Once you find a Frugal board on Pinterest, click to open the board and you will see the list of contributors; the first person on the far left is the board owner. The first thing to do is to follow them. You can then write them a polite message as an email or direct message on Pinterest, asking for permission to contribute. I’ll give you this warning hint if you get accepted: be sure to abide by the board rules or you might face being kicked off.
Here is the list of Frugal blogs I had promised.
So here goes:
Mum’s Savvy Savings
Awesome list eh! Well, tell you what. As an added bonus you can even join our popular frugal board called Frugal/thrifty 101 as a contributor. Remember to follow us first by clicking this link. You might also want to use the contact form above to give us your details and we will certainly add you.
Be sure to tell us how you get on with checking out those blogs with so much free information on frugal living.
Have a frugally fulfilling week.
Jo and Leisa
These ten group boards need more contributors on Pinterest
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