Hey beautiful peeps!
Spring is beginning to spring. Well, we are willing it anyway.
Every week, we have the opportunity of sharing in Ann’s linky and we are so grateful. We get to share a word or phrase that sums up our week and this week it is: Spring.
Spring Cleaning
After our impromptu little trip to Bulgaria, we returned with a spring in our steps and started some cleaning. You know how it is when you have been away from home for some time, you just want to freshen up your place? Well, that is what we did. The kitchen got a deep clean and we added some extra storage space in the cupboards by taking on a little DIY task which necessitated us buying a drill. Lol. Thinking about it now puts a smile on my face. Me, with a power tool. Anyway, the kitchen is nice and refreshed and we want to continue with each space in time.
Hopes of Spring Gardening
One day this week was quite sunny so we thought we’d do a spot of gardening but as the lawn was still quite wet, we thought we would put it off until the following day and get really stuck in. Well, the next day it rained quite a bit so alas the Spring gardening was only a passing thought. We have ordered a pothos on Amazon. This felt a bit strange buying this because these grow wild in Jamaica! And we also ordered the cutest and cheapest little flower bulbs for indoors. They came by the next day, so we now need some soil to get them started. I’m almost sure I’ve seen these at Mom’s house in Florida and I did think how lovely it would be to have them here. But not in this weather, I was thinking. But alas, I’ve found them and will update you on how well they do.
Bringing Spring inside the home with Spring Craft
Since an extended time spent outdoors was a no-go, we thought we might as well try to bring some Spring cheer into the house with some brighter, more cheerful colours. So we did, what we love…..crafting. We made our own faux cherry blossom tree for the front entryway. You can see the highlights of it here. It’s only seconds long (the video).
And we also made a colorful vase of sorts using pretty card, and a sewing machine. It’s really easy to do. Even if you do not have a sewing machine glue would do. We think it’s pretty.
We hope you are looking forward to Spring and all the possibilities it will bring. We are certainly looking forward to more sunshine, brighter colours, new growth and birth in nature, and renewed hope in life (especially for those affected by the war in Ukraine, and it’s not just Ukrainians and Russians!)
Thanks again Ann for giving us this opportunity and we hope when next we write, Spring would have truly sprung!
Jo and Leisa
Kim Carberry says
For a few days this week it did feel like spring, the sun was shining and everything seemed brighter. Today we’re back to the rain and cold. Hmmf.
hehehe! The thought of you with a power tool did make me chuckle. I imagine you taking on lots of DIY tasks now. The cherry blossom tree is so pretty. x
Kim Carberry recently posted…This week my Word of the Week is: Sick! #WotW
Anne says
I love your cherry blossom tree, that really is welcoming. Spring is definitely on the way, we have sun again today.
Anne recently posted…Word of the Week Nine, Praying for Peace
Sally says
Yay for spring (and spring gardening). My spring garden patch is looking lovely.
Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love) says
Spring cleaning is so satisfying isn’t it? I need to get on and do some! Lovely to plant bulbs and do some spring crafts to brighten up the home too. I love that vase you made. #WotW
Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love) recently posted…Friday Focus 04/03/22 – Lent
Maria Khan says
I look forward to spring cleaning and putting things in their place