‘Zacchaeus was a very little man
A very little man was he
He climbed up to a sycamore tree for the Saviour he wanted to see
Yes, the Saviour he wanted to see.’
I love that little chorus and was reminded of it as I read my devotional earlier.
The story of Zacchaeus is chronicled in Luke 19: 1 – 10. He was a well-known tax collector. In fact he was the chief tax collector. He was very well known but not very well liked as it was thought that he was an overbearing tax collector. Perhaps he charged more than he should, perhaps he didn’t treat people fairly or he might even have lauded his riches over the poor. He was also a very short man. You can imagine what people must have thought of him.
In any case he had some incling that Jesus was walking by in his community. That was a eureka moment for him. Finally he realised that what he really wanted in his life was not riches but Jesus and the assurance He brought. So He sought out Jesus. He had one stumbling block in his way, his height or lack thereof. You see, there were many more who were also following Jesus, a mass followed Him for various reasons.
Zacchaeus had to quickly think of a plan of action. He had decided to surrender all but he just could not get to Jesus to tell Him. Well he saw a tree that hovered over the crowd so he ran ahead, climbed into the tree and called out to Jesus. And as they say, the rest is history. Zacchaeus was not going to let a throng of people prevent him from making things right with God and his fellow human beings. I believe whatever was put in Zaccheus’ way that day would not stand in his way. His mind was made up. He was going to give his life over to God and make good all the wrongs he had been doing all his life.
So now we come to you. Are you letting anything come in the way between you and Jesus? Work? Family? Illicit relationships or drugs? Pleasures of life? The weight of sin? Let nothing come between you and the saviour. Nothing!
Conversly, are you in the crowd that is preventing others from coming to Jesus? Are you a hindrance? Don’t just gloss over the question. Give it serious consideration? Is there anything in your life that you think might be causing the ‘Zachaeuses’ of this world to struggle with finding Jesus? Seriously now. They might not be as quick thinking as he was and might not be able to see any solution past you.
Even if you are a Christian, think about it. The crowd was following Jesus, so most likely they were on His side. But guess what? They were still preventing this potential disciple from following Jesus. So every now and again take stock, is there anything, anything at all about you that might be making it difficult for someone to find Jesus? Are you an example of a good Christian or are you just one of the crowd?
The Saviour is waiting to dine with you and even Zacchaeus. He has prepared everything and He just wants to welcome you and the gang. Dont make it difficult for anyone to find their way to Him. Do a good deed today and help someone to find Him, Amen.
Hmmm….quite intense. This is one for me to think about. I have wondered if people have prevented me from getting closer to God, but not really considered if I was getting in anyone’s way. I need to reflect on this. I don’t think I am, and if, then not intentionally. I will do a good deed today! Great post!
I know, lots of food for thought. But we must take time out to reflect on God’s goodness to us and to ensure that others know about Him too! Thanks for stopping by Sheri. See you soon!