Be grateful if they save you some cake!
‘Mom that’s embarrassing!’.
‘Not in a million years would I be caught dead in that!’
‘Don’t feel like going, guess I’ll just stay in bed today.’
Teenagers! What are they like!
I know for a fact that some parents are at their wits end with their teenagers. So I’d just like to pause here for a bit and say: Thank you God for the teenagers that you’ve blessed us with. Honestly, we can say we would have it no other way! Our kids are now teenagers…..well two are and one is less than a month away from being a teen! And touch wood, it’s going great!
When I look back at my own teenage years I can say that the big hormonal changes that manifested itself in poor behaviour did not happen to me. I know many others at my age who did manifest these poor behaviour traits and some others as well who did not. I’ve often thought about that and I still don’t know the answer to the question.
We were not rich. There was enough to occupy us in the household and at the local library, and at the nearby river and also our parents were disciplinarians. I don’t remember ever thinking I’m not wearing something that my parents bought me, don’t remember telling mom anything she did embarrass me and I’ve never felt like staying in bed instead of going on an outing that took some considerable time to plan!
As I went to college and university I was quite interested in the Psychology and Sociology courses because I really wanted to understand how and why people (especially teenagers) think the way they do. I feel I have some understanding and perhaps some appreciation for what others have to ‘endure’ with their teenagers.
One thing I’ve come to accept is that they do like their space…..even if it’s in your house. So I try to give mine space. Also, some like to collect what might seem to you to be junk, but let them keep it as long as they can keep it in their space. Some like sleep more than anything else, even food. Let them have it as long as they can afford that luxury (no school, dental appointment etc). Some (mine included) often say we are embarrassing them. I used to argue my case: ‘there’s nothing embarrassing about that’, however, I’ve come to understand that if they say it is embarrassing to them, then it is, so I try to avoid those things.
Talking about that though, can I check something out with you? If you are with your teenager in the store/shop/supermarket and for some reason, they are not in the same aisle as you and you shout their name out, do you think that is embarrassing? I don’t! But my daughter does! So now what I do if ever I can’t find her in the shop is to shout out another name instead (Shelby in this case). She hears my voice, comes to me and is not embarrassed! Shocker!
Another thing I realize they love is their own company and the company of others like them. In university, I got that! They are trying to forge their own space in this great big world so they want somebody they can emulate. They don’t think we are cool enough so they definitely don’t want to be like us! So they would rather try to emulate those in their age range who are also trying to find their path in this world. Strange huh? But that’s the way it is so I’ve come to accept that too!
I could go on and on, oh yeah I will! Just a little longer! They definitely love FOOD. Especially teenage boys but not just them either. I know some girls who can scoff down just as much food as some boys. My nephew! OMG! I don’t know where he puts food but he has the tendency to look at it and make it disappear! And I mean lots of it! They also tend not to be so considerate of others as well in regard to food. Some will eat without even thinking about other family members who might not have eaten yet. That’s bad I think. Don’t you?
Very recently though, my nephew had a surprise birthday party planned for him by his cousin, the said Shelby, and his friends. He was blown away! It was an awesome surprise. Of course, we were not invited! We are not in his league and we would just ‘embarrass’ him. When we went, however, to get him from the venue, we were pleasantly surprised when he came out to the car with a big box and beaming from ear to ear he said ‘I’ve saved you some cake!’.
So I say if they are not out getting themselves into trouble, robbing banks, killing animals, making threats, swearing at you, burning buildings or plotting to do the same, give thanks for your teenagers and be grateful that they ‘saved you some cake’. You can show them my post about doing good deeds.
Looking forward for more from yous . Love it