What is your favourite season of the year? Mine is definitely Summer! I feel rejuvenated and refreshed. The days are longer and I get so much more done.
During the winter months, I feel less happy, I go to bed earlier, there is no time to do much, and to be honest, I feel slightly depressed. I don’t like the cold, the wet, the dark clothes and the unnatural heat offered by radiators.
I’m a sunshine loving kinda girl! Hang around and I will tell you about our favourite things to do in the Summer and also offer you two freebies that you cannot deny are amazing!
Summer Sizzling BBQ
This has to be my all-time favourite summer past time. I was thinking recently about what is it that makes BBQ a summer affair and I think I have got the answer. It’s so hot and most kitchens are not air-conditioned so it is too hot and miserable to be indoors cooking.
At least outside, even if it is hot, there is usually a gentle breeze. BBQ meats accompanied by fruits and salads is just awesome. Even if you are not a meat-eater, there is so much that you can partake of during BBQ season.
One of the other things I enjoy about a bbq is the variety of things that can be put together to make the marinade. Yup! BBQ meat is better off marinated. We love trying different ingredients and we especially love the authentic Jamaican Jerk Marinade. Sure you can have the recipe, and it’s easy to make.
Hydration Station
It is very important to keep yourself hydrated at all times. It is particularly important in the Summer because we lose more fluid through perspiration.
It might not seem like a lot to you, but it is and the better hydrated you are, the better the fluid balance will be in your body leading to better health.
We have what we refer to as our hydration station at home. It’s just an area at home where we stock and re-stock juice and water and replenish as soon as they run out. We also have fun ‘competitions to see who can rustle up the nicest tasting concoctions. Read here to see some of our interesting makes.
One of the things we did last year is to personalize some drinking flasks so that we could have them with us wherever we went. We are offering one of these bottles as well so you can keep yourself hydrated during the summer months! See details below.
Joleisa’s water flask giveaway
Craft and other fun activities
We love crafting all year round but we tend to put off more messy craft (like painting, tie-dyeing, etc) until the summer months as these can be done outside without risking making a mess inside. We enjoy doing the following:
- paper-craft including card making
- tie-dying t-shirts
- crotchet and knitting
- gardening
- boat racing, oh yes. We get a LITTLE PADDLING POOL, fill it with water, then we set about making and decorating our paper boats and then set them sailing. That is one activity we love and get a belly full of laughs from every time!
- re-purposing old furniture
- Recycling household items
This is by no means exhaustive.
Enjoy the summer with an impromptu fashion show
Sewing is an essential skill that we think everyone should have. Thankfully in our household, we all can sew and we all like it in varying degrees. At the start of the summer there is usually a sewing challenge on and then once all the garments are finished, we have a little modeling catwalk in the back garden with a few friends as the audience members.
Sometimes as well, we each have £5 and we buy something to fit ourselves from EVERYTHING FIVE POUNDS and then this is the final piece that we model as the last item on the night. It’s a whole lot of fun and we choose that site because the clothes are really nice looking and yet so inexpensive.
Enjoy the summer lounging around
Sometimes it is so hot that the only thing we really want to do is to laze around with a drink. In the back garden, we have a hammock that is always there, as well as a number of portable sun loungers which we can take with us if we go to the park or friends’ homes for example.
These sun loungers are just the best thing ever! They are lightweight and come packaged in its own little carry case that looks like a PE bag. We so love them and think you will too. So that is why a portable sun lounger is one of the freebies that we are giving away to celebrate summer.
Even if you don’t get to bag one here, do enjoy the sunshine so you can reap the many benefits.
So those are some of the reasons why I love Summer. Why do you love your favourite season? Comment with why and what your favourite outdoor activities are and you could be in with a chance to win either a portable sun lounger or a flask which can hold either hot or cold beverages.
Have a happy summer.
What a wonderful prize I want one
The flask is ideal for my walks with my walking group
In the Summer it tends to be purified water or my home made lemonade
WE have been doing walks around our local water parks.
My refrshing go to drink is lemon tea
Would absokutely love one of these for the Park in this London weather!
I love a pitcher of water with slices of cucumber and fresh mint. Perfect for relaxing in the garden after a session of making it look pretty, which I love to do in summer.
I love sparkling Elderflower
I love going for walks in the woods with my kids
Picnics, walks, bike rides, park and beach days are always are cheap day out for us
A cheap summer day out for me is a picnic in our local park
We go to feed the ducks at our local park in the summer, it costs nothing
relaxing in my garden
Great prize!
Non-alcoholic sangria
Looks really comfy. Count me in!
Water and cucumber.
Fruit Tea
Trips to the beach are great in the summer
I can spend all summer on the beach and spend very little as I live at the seaside!
picnics walking and bike rides we love exploring
Usually I drink lots of water in the Summer x
super great
Homemade lemonade, or fruit infused water
I love an iced tea in the summer
Woods, beach, park, anywhere kids can run around having a blast
Building dens in the woods.
I like an ice cold 7-up free. But mainly I just drink lots of water.
For me I tend to enjoy bitter lemonade it seems to cool me down
I like to cool down with a cold drink of squash
I love to pop down to the beach and walk along. Sometimes I take a drink and snake , other times I treat myself to a coffee at the halfway stop.
I’m sure you meant snack! Lol
I really like tap water with a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime in it. I pop a slice of the fruit in the water and a couple of ice cubes too.
When you are really hot and thirsty water is my go to drink. In colder climes, I tend to go for squash or juice.
I love walking in the woods or through parks, even camping out, anything to be closer to nature
I like lime juice with lots of ice
Nothing can beat a relaxing time in my garden
Going camping and taking our own food and drink, plus a good book!
I trip to the beach is always a favourite day out
a can of coke
A picnic in the countryside!
On a sunny day you can’t beat messing around in the local park
Water with lemon slices and a couple of ice cubes, cool but not too cold!