If you feel as if you’re at a crossroads with your career and you’re not satisfied with where you’re at, it might be time for a change of direction. Kickstarting your career when you’re in an unhappy place with your current situation certainly isn’t easy. But if you’re not happy with where you’re at, it’s certainly a good idea to focus on how you can change your situation. We’re going to talk today about some of the things you can do to kickstart your career.
Look for Interesting Volunteer Opportunities
If you’re not sure which direction your career should take next, it might be a good idea to look into some volunteer opportunities. These give you the chance to work in jobs that you’re interested in but you’re not sure about just yet. The experience will also look good on your resume if you do eventually decide to go down that route.
We actually signed up for some volunteer roles when we left our teaching jobs. And we made such lovely contacts as a result.
Consider Your Passions
Going back to the drawing board and really thinking about what you’re passionate about and where you want to take your career is definitely a good idea. It’s easy to lose connection with the things you once loved, and you might be able to reorientate your career towards something that you love and enjoy doing on a day-to-day basis if that’s something that’s important to you.
Try New Things
Simply trying new things and branching out from your current job focus might be a good idea. You can do a few things on the side while still doing your current job. Jumping ship too soon and sacrificing your income might not be the best idea. Instead, you can explore options and see what interests you before taking the next step forward in your career.
Consider Working Overseas
One thing that many people choose to do when they’re in need of a fresh approach to their career is work overseas. They might take a new job in another country or do their current job somewhere else.
If you have a partner who’s from another country, you can apply for indefinite leave to remain after 5 years spouse if you choose to move to that country. Or look for other opportunities that allow for a quick and easy transition.
Keep an Open Mind
Finally, you should remember to keep an open mind throughout this whole process. Doing so is usually a good idea because you never know where your interests might take you or which opportunities might arise if you allow yourself to consider and explore them. The path you’re on might not be the one you’re in 10 years from now, so don’t limit yourself. Instead, be open-minded each and every day.
Kickstarting your career is never something that’s easy or straightforward. If you’re struggling or wanting to change direction with your career, make the most of the ideas that we’ve discussed above. If you keep working to find your passion and what you’re good at, you’ll get there eventually.
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