What to do when there is more month left at the end of the money
Well, first of all, try not to get yourself in that situation. And I know it is sometimes difficult because, well …..life happens. But do all in your power to ensure that you have more money left at the end of the month rather than the other way round. I will share some ideas of how you can beat this.
- So to start off with, keep a check of your finances. Don’t just spend with reckless abandon. Ensure that there is some saving from every paycheck. Even if things get tight, keep to that habit. Keep a budget plan and try to stick to it.
- Is your money making you more money, or is it dormant somewhere? Check! Ensure you are getting some valuable interest on your hard earned money. A simple meeting with your bank is easy enough to arrange so that you can figure out the best type of account/s to have.
- Learn about frugal living and practice it faithfully. We all waste a lot of money but if we knew how we certainly would try to at least avoid some of the pitfalls.
- What do you do to bring some extra income into your household? I’m a firm believer that we all can do something, some skill that we can use to earn some extra money. It might be baking, cake decorating, sewing, doing craft, woodwork or some other skill. Use it to your advantage. Another thing you can do with a little spare time and a computer is completing surveys! Yes, people pay you to do surveys online. You can USE QMEE TO DO SURVEYS AND EARN EXTRA WHEN YOU REFER OTHERS. Blogging is also becoming quite popular and you can have the added bonus of staying at home whilst you earn a living from your blog. Read about making money from blogging here.
- Is your house leaking money? What do I mean? Well, you know how tyres sometimes lose air? Well, some houses are leaking money! Is yours one of them? Is your house fully insulated to avoid the loss of necessary heat? Are your windows open whilst your heating is on? Are you on the very best tariff (cost wise) for your electricity and gas bills? Something as simple as getting [easyazon_link identifier=”B072ZVZSWQ” locale=”US” tag=”joleisacom21-20″]a draught excluder[/easyazon_link] for your windows and doors could save you a lot on heating bills. I know it might seem to you that the amount of heat loss is insignificant but it is not! And in any case, it adds up over the year. So plug the holes if your house is leaking money. This can add to your savings at the end of the month instead of taking away from it. Check on little habits that you have that might be leaking money. Do you leave lights on when they are not in use? How about the oven? Do you always remember to switch it off when you’ve removed the food? Take a walk around the rooms of your house at night time when everyone has gone to bed. Any light on, from any electrical equipment, is causing your house to leak money! Switch them off or unplug them.
- Meal planning, as simple as it sounds can also help you to save money. According to recent statistics, most of us waste approximately 33% of the grocery we purchase! That is shocking and really unacceptable! There are simple steps that we can take to avoid that pitfall. Try these tips and I assure you, you will reduce your grocery bills and have some more disposable income or savings: Go shopping with a list, that way you purposely plan what you need to purchase and go to get those. If your family does not like particular foods, avoid buying them! They can get the same nutrients from other foods that they may enjoy better. Don’t go shopping on an empty stomach; you will tend to splurge on some things that you didn’t intend to buy just because of your empty stomach. Also, think about not including meat in every meal. There are lots of foods that contain protein other than meat! Think of energy saving even whilst you are cooking. For example, you can think of preparing a number of things in the oven all at once instead of having the oven used for one item and then the hob used for others. If you have a sweet tooth and love just making one or a few cookies at a time, consider purchasing a small [easyazon_link identifier=”B003Z34OME” locale=”US” tag=”joleisacom21-20″]toaster oven[/easyazon_link] rather than putting on the larger oven and wasting fuel! Do you cook just enough for one meal? That in and of itself might not be too bad but what you want to ensure is that you do sometimes prepare enough to store away whether in the fridge or freezer for another day. A set of [easyazon_link identifier=”B00COK3FD8″ locale=”US” tag=”joleisacom21-20″]food storage containers[/easyazon_link]is handy for that. However, if it is going to be wasted later, then you have wasted the food, the energy, the storage space as well as the energy it takes to store it.
- Don’t let anything useful go to waste. I am not asking you to become a hoarder, but if there is anything that you have purchased or that is worth any money, don’t bin it. Try selling it on eBay or Amazon or any other way possible.
- Repurpose used items. In fact, reuse, reduce and recycle. You can check Pinterest to find some useful things you can make and use at home from things you would otherwise bin. These can make excellent, authentic handmade gifts which friends and family members would certainly appreciate. This will also help to save you some money when the various gift-giving seasons come around.
- Once in a while life serves us little ‘miracles’ and we find that we make a saving on the purchase of an item or two. This is exhilarating when it happens and we often tend to make a rash decision to spend. Don’t! Save for something special or for unforeseen bills.
- Whilst it is good to be charitable, you must accept that you cannot give to all or too many charitable organisations. That is not required of you! Give when you can afford to and if possible don’t set up a direct debit for giving. Why? Because sometimes you find that you are short of money to pay your bills when you could have used that money that you set up regular contributions for.
So there you have it. For the most part, you decide if you are going to have more money left over at the end of the month or the other way round. Try to follow the tips suggested and I assure you, you will be victorious. If you have any tried and true methods to ensure you are not left in the red financially at the end of the month, then feel free to share them with us.
Have a good life xxx
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Adnan Qaizar says
I love you two sisters, so cute and am sure you love both Jamaica and England. Great post, loved it!
By the way, I am Adnan from https://bedroomsdecor.com
Brandy Champeau says
Great tips. I can’t wait to put some of these into action.
Edith says
Great tips for having something left at month’s end. Let’s face it: It’s no fun living from paycheck to paycheck or scrambling for help in emergencies. We need to put something aside for contingencies and these ideas can get us there. Thank you once again.
Joleisa says
Thanks for your wise words Edith and thanks so much for stopping by too.
Keri says
Meal planning I think is the #1 money saver. Its so much easier to go grab some fast food everyday, but once I started meal planning at home, I saved SO much money!
Nina | Lemons and Luggage says
Great post! There are so many different things going into saving up some money, and it’s about both the money you spend as well as the money you earn.
Mercedes says
These are excellent ideas! I think number six is the biggest one for our family. Too often, we’ve bought things on impulse without a plan and they go bad. But having an advance plan—and sticking to it—is a huge help for our budget.
Joleisa says
I’ve found that out and no wonder we now love meal planning so much!