If someone doesn’t come and wake me up soon, I’m going to have a wish list that is impossible to deal with! I was just sat here on the sofa reflecting a bit on the post I wrote yesterday about how happy I was. And it got me thinking that even though life isn’t perfect, you can still choose the best bits from it and use it to shape your happiness. I used that thought process as a springboard to think about all the things I wished were a little more perfect.
That’s why at the end of each month, I share a post on my YouTube channel about what I am happy and grateful for.
So here, in this post, I will share my Sunday daydream and wish list with you. Well, you’ve got the daydream part already so let’s do the wishlist. Do hit me up if you want to tackle any of these for me/us or if you know of anyone who does.
Some of the stuff we can do ourselves actually, it’s just the time and effort that’s beating us.
- A well-manicured back garden. It could do with some proper shaping up with designated areas for outdoor dining, a border of beautiful flowers all year round, a space for a line for drying clothes when the weather permits, and a greenhouse. Is that too much to ask for?
- Someone to clean and maintain the guttering around the house so that the water gets to run off properly, causing no damage to the house. We know how important it is to maintain the house throughout the year but unfortunately none of us in this house like the job of climbing up.
- Next on my wishlist is a helper. Don’t get me wrong. There are some types of housework that I don’t mind doing, but not all of it. When I lived in Jamaica, I had a helper who came every day and that meant that I would do the hard jobs on a Sunday and she would maintain it for me throughout the week. I wish I still had her here. One can always dream. I’m all about frugal living and not spending money unnecessarily so I suppose I’ll scratch that part off my daydream and wishlist.
- I wish it was nice and sunny all year round but I know it isn’t possible. I still don’t want to give up on that dream/wishlist item. Oh, maybe if I could afford to live somewhere nice and sunny and warm for half of the year and then come back to England for the other half. That would be the dream! So less reliance on a two-week holiday every year, and a more permanent set up of six months warmish ok weather and six months of proper holiday weather. I can’t stress enough just how good the sunshine makes me feel.
- On the point of having to live here, I wish the people in my neighborhood were more caring and concerned about how they treat the areas we all have to share. Recently there’s been a lot of rubbish strewn about. I even recently saw a pile of old furniture and even a mattress that someone put out almost on the street. I was thinking that maybe they had arranged for the council to come and pick it up but no, as it’s been sitting there for almost a week now!
What a contrast between the first photo above and the one immediately above this! I can’t believe that some people are happy to live in unclean surroundings.
Like I say, my wish list is getting too long and I do need to stop. I’ll carry on next weekend and perhaps give you an update on things in my neck of the woods. I am well aware of the reasons why some people never seem to have enough money. And I don’t want to fall into that category. Hope you are having.a great week. Do let us know in the comments below what you have on your daydream and wishlist too.
Feel free to check out our video where we share what we loved in April.
LaRena Fry says
I love your list and your thankful nature. I also wish for someone to help me clean my home. Hoping you have a wonderful week.
Joleisa says
That’s the spirit! Hope you have a great week too.