If you read our blog regularly then you would know that we like to keep it positive. It’s not to say that we don’t have difficult situations at times to deal with from time to time. The good thing is that we like to see them as challenges to deal with. We like to think that facing each challenge helps us to seek out and find solutions. That makes us stronger (or better prepared to face a similar challenge when it comes up.
This week we have faced a number of situations that most would probably give up on. We took on some and avoided one.
Called out on Youtube
I don’t know about you, but we hate these challenges that people tend to ‘throw out’ on Facebook and Whatsapp, etc. I am talking about when they send you something to pass around to 10 more people. What rubbish is that? And sometimes the challenge ends with OR ELSE! Some even intimidate you about what will happen to you if you don’t pass it on.
We hate a challenge like that. I do the opposite of the instruction: Don’t pass it on and watch to see that nothing happens, lol.
Anyway, this week (and last week and the week before), people kept calling us out to do some stupid challenges that are so childlike and just not our style. So far we have ignored them all. So you won’t see us doing the spicy hot noodle challenge nor the drink something bitter challenge, nor the body trampling challenge any time soon.
Cooking challenge: live disaster!
This week on our Youtube Cooking Live on a Wednesday, we decided to challenge ourselves to come up with a dish that we had never heard of before! We called it How to get Creative in the Kitchen.
We came up with the idea of making a Carrot and Peanut porridge! Truth be told, it turned out to be very delicious. However, at one point when both our backs were turned to the cooker, half the pot of porridge boiled over into the stove; it was live and all caught on camera! It could have been worse we think. It could have been for a live TV show. So we have learned our lesson: never turn our backs to a pan of rapidly boiling liquid. Luckily it was not expensive ingredients. We would not be happy at all.
Decorating Challenge
This week we started the challenge of redecorating the girls’ bedrooms now that they are off to university. If you ever hear one or the other of us planning to put up wallpaper ever again, please talk some sense into us. We were not the ones who put them up ( that’s a job we would never do) but we started the task of taking them off. Both rooms are almost all done (about 2 hours of work each on 2 or three days).
The challenge is how to remove the bits of paper that are stuck to the wall with the glue or paste, whatever they use. I’ve been researching how to take it off and so far it seems we’ll have to create some sort of solution with warm water and vinegar or fabric softener. Our arms and neck are sore so we are leaving that for next week now.
If you have a really good idea as to how to get it off, please PLEASE tell us in the comments below. The videos we watched were mostly from the US and somehow I think their wallpaper and glue thingy might be different. HELP!
Cooking challenge: up our street
This type of challenge we love. It is right up our street. We are comfortable in the kitchen. We are collaborating with four other content creators from Jamaica to make different sections of a meal. Ours will premiere tonight (Friday 15th October) at 6 PM UK time. I will put the link here. If you click the click before 6 PM you will see a short trailer (less than 3 minutes). If you click it after 6 PM you will see the full video. The link to the other 4 dishes will be in the description box.
We are so looking forward to seeing what the others have created but we will have to wait until later today.
We challenge you
We are not sure if you’ll be interested or not but here goes… If you love DIY in the home and garden etc, Ryobi is looking for ambassadors for their brand. We love Ryobi tools. There is one battery that works with all the tools and they are all colour-coded this lovely green colour.
If you’d love to become one of their ambassadors and try out one of their tools, then we would suggest that you apply. We did ours this week and are now waiting to hear back. We don’t know if we’ll get through but that is one challenge under our belt. You will have to fill out an application and submit a short video.
We are hoping to get the nail gun to do some of the jobs we have for the redecoration.
So it’s over to you. What’s your week been like? Have you faced any challenges that you faced up to? Let us hear about it in the comments section below.
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Ahh! I hate those stupid challenges on FB and the YouTube challenges too. They were so 10 years ago when I first started watching YouTube.
The Carrot and Peanut porridge sounds interesting and oops with the pot boiling over.
hahaha! It sounds like decorating is not for you. It is such hard work, especially getting every bit of paper off the walls. I always use warm water and washing up liquid.
What a feast you cooked up with the cooking challenge. x
Kim Carberry recently posted…This week my Word of the Week is: Fixing! #WotW
I also hate those stupid challenges, and with so many of them that are meant to raise awareness for some cause or another but half the time no-one knows what cause it is..pointless! I used to decorate a lot when I was healthy and it is hard work. I always used warm soapy water to get the paper off but leave it to soak for a while (but not long enough to dry out again!)
Anne recently posted…Word of the Week 42 – Sushi Saves The Day
I rarely take part in challenges that involve tagging others and the few times I have, I’ve only tried to tag people that I know are generally happy to join in. If the challenge isn’t something you’d want to do, then I don’t see why there should be any pressure to join in. Carrot and peanut sounds like an interesting combination for porridge – glad it was delicious in spite of the mishap. Trying to remove wallpaper is not fun. We hired a wallpaper steamer the last time we decorated but it was still hard work. Good luck with getting yours off. Good luck with your application to become Ryobi ambassadors. #WotW
I never take part in any of the challenges, you are right they are stupid and childish. I use a steamer to remove wallpaper which generally works well though can get a bit messy.