We’ve been missing in action, haven’t we? For two weeks we’ve not had the chance to sit down and catch up with you on how our week has been. We hope you are all well and at least coping with life. I’ve tried to keep things positive and this week is no exception. Fingers crossed for things to only get better.
Let me catch you up as we’ve missed out a couple of weeks. We had a lovely Sunday afternoon strawberry picking two Sundays ago. We left Birmingham on a bright, sunny afternoon in our pretty frocks, thinking that the weather would be the same in Tamworth. where the strawberry fields were. Well, it wasn’t and so we had to pick them quickly and head home. We did get a few colourful pics and videos that day though. The strawberries were red, ripe, and juicy. Our neighbours benefitted and we still have some in the freezer for making smoothies. It was only £2 each to enter the farm but we paid about £7 each for the amount of strawberries we picked. It was nice to be out in nature, well, except that it was a tad chilly. We went about two years ago and it was much sunnier. The vitamin D on the skin was missing this year.
On some days we rocked some colourful fruits at mealtimes and at other times, the, regular meals did it.
On the gardening front, while the garden is using up all the sunshine and water and talking to, and love, the slugs and snails are still having a field day. We’ve given up fighting with them and it’s not just us. I’ve seen a lot of videos on Youtube with people who have their gardens or allotments talking about the problem this year. And not having the usual hot weather in June isn’t helping either.
We have even resorted to planting lettuce and amaranth in pots in the conservatory and they’re doing much better than the ones planted outside.
Amaranth. So colourful. It’s the first time we are trying this variety. We are quite used to the green ones and we enjoy eating them, especially in the Summer when we are able to plant them ourselves. We love that even when you cut them, they continue to grow and produce so much more.
Some days we’ve even pretended that the weather was nice and hot! One can always dream.
We’ve been engrossed with the football too. The Euros are on and we always watch and cheer, saying that we support the underdogs, lol. We love cheering people on. It gives you a boost and a pep in your step too. We love seeing the colourful team kits and especially when the matches are about to start and the players walk on with the little cute kids in their little costumes too.
Well, we were hoping that England would win their match on Thursday but alas, it wasn’t to be. Hopefully they will perform better next time.
A friend shared the below with us one day and we want to share it with you too. I hope it inspires you to look for ways that you can be a supporter to others too.
And just a reminder, black and white are colours too. LOL. Let’s embrace them.
Yes, I did wonder where you have been. hehehe
We were meant to go strawberry picking on Thursday but after all of the rain, the field was closed. Freshly picked strawberries are just the best.
Slugs are such a pest aren’t they although I have had no more in my house since I put a load of salt down, that doesn’t helping the garden though as it kills plants.
I am loving all of the football. I’m cheering Georgia on at the moment, the real underdog of the tournament. They’re not losing!
I love all of the colourful photos and very wise words at the end! x
Kim Carberry recently posted…This week my Word of the Week is: Football! WotW
I thought you might have been off on holiday. I’m a little disappointed. I used to love strawberry picking, we used to go all the time when we were young, all my cousins, aunts, Mum and nan, it was a real treat. I love your colourful week.
Anne Sweet recently posted…Six The Musical – A Review
Lovely to go strawberry picking. Sorry to hear that the snails and slugs are having such a field day in your garden – glad your pots in the conservatory are doing well though. That quote is such a beautiful reminder of the need to encourage others. Definitely some words to live by.#WotW