You might wonder what it is that we were waiting on or for this week. It seemed like everything! I sometimes don’t like waiting around and I like things to happen when I want them to. I remember when we were on that tv show and they would send a taxi to fetch us to the train station and so on. It was exciting going there but when it was time to go home I hated having to wait for this or that before we could go home. We wanted to go when we wanted to go. But life’s not like that, is it? Let’s share the gist of our week with you and you’ll see how the word WAIT featured.
On Sunday we had another gentleman visit to take measurements and hear our thoughts and ideas regarding the kitchen upgrade. He was due to come at 1 pm but he had a little wait because before that we both had a meeting at church which should have ended long before 1 pm. It didn’t, so we were late getting back. Thankfully it was only by a few minutes.
Sunday dinner was a wait too. We had boiled the potatoes and carrots before we went to the meeting so of course they were cold when we got back to put them in the oven. So that was also a long wait, but worth it.
By the way, we have jumped off our high horse and crossed off our list some of the kitchen ideas that we wanted to go with because truth be told, we didn’t know things were so expensive. We have sort of settled on the idea of just giving the kitchen a basic facelift and keeping all our old appliances. We are so disappointed but we will see how that goes. At the time of writing this on Friday morning, we are still waiting for that quote so we might go halfway back up the horse again.
The job that I was successful in securing last year? Well, that’s been a wait too! I only recently discovered that my DBS was not on the update service because it ran out when I changed my bank! Silly me, I didn’t inform them of the change so of course when they tried to take the subscription, it didn’t go through! So part of the wait of starting this job has to do with that. So of course I could have gone away at Christmastime, but here we are. So this week I had to apply for a new DBS certificate. I will have to wait for them to complete their checks for it to come through before I can apply to be on the update service again. Hopefully, that will be the last leg of the wait. I met some of my future work colleagues this week too and they seem fine.
Birmingham has been on the lookout for snow this week too. Alexa and the weathermen promised some but so far, nothing. We are still waiting. It has been raining so maybe it’s not cold enough for it to snow. We did do some clearing up in the back garden before the rains came and we are pleased that the tulips and daffodils look healthy and rearing to go. It’s just a matter of time now before their pretty colors burst through. That will put me in such a good mood and although Summer and sunshine seem so far away, the wait won’t be so ugly.
Sometimes the wait makes me feel like I want to just close my eyes and have my dreams and ideas come through when I open them. Wishful thinking huh? Anyway, how’s your week been, and are you better at the waiting game? Hope so.
Yes, I’ve been waiting for my medication!! Thankfully it came before I got unwell enough to go to hospital, but only just! Your Sunday dinner made my mouth water, I’d wait for that! What a pain about your DBS I hope it comes through quickly, and your kitchen makeover seems a big issue. I would love a kitchen makeover, but I’m just dreaming for now.
I don’t like waiting for things too but sometimes things are worth the wait like that amazing Sunday dinner you cooked! It looks so good.
I hope you get a decent quote for the kitchen. A basic facelift is better than nothing and in time you can always upgrade your appliances.
I hope the DBS goes through quickly.
We have had sleet and a few bigger flakes of snow but nothing settled. It has been really warm this week, well warm considering the time of the year so I didn’t expect it to even snow. x
Kim Carberry recently posted…This week my Word of the Week is: Normal! #WotW
That Sunday dinner looks delicious. Hope you can manage to put some of your kitchen ideas back on your list. That’s frustrating about your DBS not being on the update service. Hope the new one comes through quickly. I’m sure the tulips and daffodils will be lovely when they come through. Spring isn’t too far away now. #WotW