This post is going to be quick and easy and get straight to the point. I want you to take your personal finances seriously. Most of us want to earn enough money to live comfortably. Mind you, comfortable is relevant. And relative. It takes a lot to make some people comfortable.
Wherever you are on the path of securing your personal comfort and that of your family, there are certain things that I would advise, if you want to make a success of it. All of my advice is based on my own experience, and is given free of cost. After reading, click the link to receive your free printable checklist to keep a tab and start doing better with your personal finances. I would really suggest that you print and keep it to refer to quite often.
- Never loan money – you are not a bank (these are wise words always shared by the famous Judge Judy)
- If you live with another adult, make sure they are paying their way. Why should you foot their bills?
- It’s always better to save up and pay for what you want rather than to credit
- Save the money when you do make a saving on your shopping
- Take out your savings from your earnings first, don’t just rely on what is left
- Make up a budget (even in your head) and stick to it
- Give to worthy causes ( that’s one worthy reason for being frugal)- you will feel better for it
- Learn from other people’s financial mistakes- you don’t have to make your own
- Give up on any hobby which causes you to just spend with little likelihood of monetary satisfaction (gambling for example)
- Don’t use credit cards (if you insist on using them, freeze them until your life actually depended on them)
- Reduce, reuse, repurpose, recycle, upcycle- the whole lot
- De-clutter one room every other month and sell the ‘junk’. It’s better to get even a little money from it than to watch it gathering dust in front of your eyes
- Avoid the pound store (Dollar store) unless you NEED and item from it. When you go in, only pick up what you went for.
- Learn to mix and match clothes so your dress sense always looks tasty
- Don’t just renew any bill when the subscription period is coming to an end- always shop around (car insurance for example)
- If you get poor customer service or if goods are less quality than you expect, complain. Most businesses will want to please their customers so it’s a win for you. Here’s a post on how I did that several times.
- Buy Christmas gifts throughout the year, especially in the sales immediately after Christmas. I’m well known for that and so many people have commented on the post I wrote about that.
- Plan your meals and make use of the fridge and freezer to store leftovers
The tips I have shared here are just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, each piece of advice could be turned into a blog post as there’s so much to explore and explain. The long and short of the matter though is that we need to be purposeful with our personal finances. It needs careful thought and planning and if you ask those people who are doing really well at it, they’ll be the first to tell you that their success did not happen by chance.
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Promise me that you’ll give these tips a go?
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Good tips. I do a lot of declutter and sell items. I have a few blog posts I’ve written on saving money and financial planning. Feel free to check out my website.
Great idea! Maybe we could do a guest post for each other then! All the best and keep helping people with your frugal living tips.
Nice post! I love buying Christmas gifts early and saving a ton while everyone else is broke around December. It helps me feel more relaxed and able to enjoy the holidays. Thanks for the tips.