So last weekend I visited and had worship at a church close to home and I was blessed. My batteries were recharged!
The members were friendly, helpful and welcoming but most of all, the main sermon was simple and meaningful. Have a look at the main points to see if you can identify with them in your worship.
1. Oh worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness
In worship people must be drawn to the beauty of God, not just the fact that we have the truth or to
our own beauty. The worship service must not be about you but The One you are pointing to.
Psalm 96 verse 9 was the scripture reference
2. The only arbiter of what is beautiful is God. He is beautiful and he loves beauty.
1 Timothy 4:8 (exercise is useless unless…). What do you notice?
3. Some people have nowhere to worship but may worship under a tree!
But they still worship in the beauty of holiness. Their worship is beautiful to God and it is accepted.
SometimesHosannas languish on our tongue (song by Isaac Watts). We can sing anything, but
not from our hearts. Real beauty prompts us to keep it but also to spread it.
4. When we come to worship God, our worship is beautiful if God is in our heart.
Romans 1:18 has a somewhat scary admonition! People look on the outward appearance but God
looks on the heart. He alone truly knows what’s in your heart. Make sure it’s clean, and don’t worry
too much about what others think is in your heart.
5. Forget
When it’s time to worship, forget about everything, concentrate on Him, and worship Him. Make
your worship true and meaningful by making sure that your heart is clean. This will allow you to
worship freely, whether you’re in a huge ornate building or just under the skies.
For me, true worship is purposeful and intentional. It’s about your motive, and has nothing to do with where you are or who else is around. Ever had that experience? When was the last time you truly worshipped?
I love this article. This is the time to reflect upon God’s glory, time to look up my friend.