Yes you read the caption right! Our word of the week is vlogmas.
Now we must confess that before we came to the UK almost 20 years ago, we had never heard of such a word and in fact, we have had nothing much to do with vlogmas all the years we have been living here until last Christmas season we decided to take part. You would know that the world was at semi standstill, a pandemic was claiming lives and it was not all smooth sailing and in fact, thousands of people have lost their lives.
So we wanted to give hope and also feel cheerful so that was when we decided to take part in vlogmas…’s where vloggers post a video each day from the 1st to the 24th of December. Last year, we wanted to do it because we wanted to learn editing skills and this was definately a way to learn. We stuck to it and if you were to watch last year’s vlogmas videos you would certainly agree that the editing has improved! We did not miss a day either and I think we deserve a pat on the back because even so far this year, i have noticed some big vloggers apologising because they had ‘forgotten to pick up the camera to do vlogmas’.
To be perfectly frank, we certainly owe the initial growth of our YouTube channel to vlogmas!
Well, this year we wanted to take part again mostly because we loved doing it and also because we want to see continued growth of our channel and many are looking out to see what we will post so they have been looking out for our vlogmas videos.
Before I forget, there’s a fantastic giveaway on the blog now so please check it out. One lucky winner will get almost £700 worth of festive prizes!
So this week has seen us every day planning vlogmas content, filming vlogmas content and also editing and posting every day so far. We have even gone out of our comfort zone to get footage. Generally, people like to see what the seasons look like in foreign lands and since we are Jamaican and have a big Jamaican and American following on YouTube, we wanted to show what winter is like here, and so we have donned warm clothes, hats and scarves to go out into nature to get some beautiful shots to please out loyal subscribers.
Did we enjoy being out there? Two resounding nos!!! We really do not like the cold at all. We are grateful that we got to do it because the footage is really great to look at. We are looking forward to going into the city centre today too to get shots of the city all decked out for Christmas and we hope to get some shopping in too of course because, well you know….gifts and all that jazz.
We usually put our tree up on the first of December but this year it was not quite ready on the first, but it is done now and you can certainly bet that it will feature in our vlogmas videos.
So that’s really what we are up to. What are you guys up to? Are you taking part in vlogmas? Are you in a festive mood yet? if not, check out our channel to see how we get ready for Christmas. Hope your hearts are warmed and you are all in the festive mood soon. We don’t know what is ahead of us so let’s enjoy these festivities whilst we can.
Of course thanks as always to Ann who allow us to join in this linky each week.
Jo and Leisa.
This is day one of vlogmas for us this year, if you want to check it out. They are only short videos really.
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oh ladies, I’m not a huge fan of Youtube, but I do like to watch your videos so I’ll try and get around to watching as many as I can.
Anne recently posted…Word of the Week 48b Let’s Talk About the cold Weather!
We would really love that!
Good luck with Vlogmas, it is quite the challenge. It does sound like a lot of fun. It has been the perfect week to show off what winter is like in the UK. hehehe We’ve had snow here. x
Kim Carberry recently posted…This week my Word of the Week is: Safe! #WotW
Vlogmas sounds like a lot of fun and glad it has helped you so much with learning more about editing videos and growing your channel. Love that you got outside in the cold to show what winter here was like. I’ve been meaning to blog more in December but just not had the time so far so don’t think I could manage a month of video content! Good luck with it all and I’ll try and check out some of your videos. #WotW
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