We knew going into this week that it would be a busy one for us. We just didn’t know how busy it would get. Thankfully it wasn’t as cold as last week when we were mostly home and it was just mundane. But we expected to go looking at kitchens again at Wren, get the new shed installed and get all the stuff from out of the conservatory, get the laundry room cleared so that the delivery guys could remove the old washing machine and install the new one, get some compost into the planter boxes at the front as the bulbs were already peeking through, and all the usual jobs that we have to do.
In preparation for all this work, we ordered some pretty gloves and also some compost. This compost is the one we usually use and get good results from. We prefer to order it online as it is delivered right to the door. If we go to the shops to buy it, then we would have the heavy lifting to do, lol. Sunday I was saying that we are documenting ourselves on YouTube as we age gracefully, lol. In a way, it is true as we will have hours of footage to look back on and to see at what stage we could no longer manage this or that job. Would be interesting for our kids and grandkids to look back on too.
Why didn’t anyone tell us that inside Wren is so pretty? And also that they do bedrooms? Mind you, we are not in the market for a bedroom but boy, were we inspired and influenced! We had a good look around and found the exact induction cookers that we are interested in. We found some really friendly staff members too and booked a consultation for Thursday since they didn’t have any designers available. We are not sure who we will go with as at the moment we are hoping to research to see who gives the best quote for what we want.
We’ve been feeling like having some fresh whole fish so we went shopping for those both at a shopping centre nearby and also on our high street. We had no joy as our usual spot was closed (apparently due to non-payment of rent) and the High Street shops only sold frozen fish. We don’t have much luck with frozen whole fish as they are usually not cleaned and also taste like they’ve been frozen for years! We opted to buy beef, goat, and chicken instead. It was an ok day weatherwise, just a bit windy and rainy. Oh, we got two lovely bunches of tulips and daffodils that brought some joy and hope for brighter days.
The compost came on Tuesday and instead of 2, they sent three 40l bag! That was just enough for what we need with a little left over in case we want to try any seedlings indoors before Spring. It took Leisa a few minutes on the blustery Wednesday to top up with planters in the front. Also on Wednesday, our precious and pretty little 7×7 shed was erected. It took one man about an hour and for that, it was £300. If only we could do it ourselves. There was a little lull in the storm when he came to do it so we had to hurry to get some things in that would weigh it down. I think we should get the base bolted down! It looks like a cute little doll’s house and we wasted no time in arranging what we needed to put in there. The process continues and we are being careful to not just fill it with junk that we know we will never need. So, some decluttering had to be done. We still have a little way left to go but we are pleased with the progress so far.
We like that we have a little ‘patio’ area to put our 2 chairs and our small table when the weather is nice. Those pots won’t stay there but we might get some nice big ones, we’ll see. And oh, the man who erected the shed said he was very pleased with the way the slabs were laid for the job as in the past he had seen some really shabby work done.
Thursday we had a two-hour meeting with one of the kitchen designers from Wren. Why do these people talk so much? We had lots of questions but he also had lots of stories to tell, and these stories had nothing to do with our proposed kitchen. In the end, the two-hour slot was finished and we still need to pop into the store on Sunday to wrap it up. By the way, we are still not sure we are going with them. These days, you have to try to get the best bang for your buck. They do have all of what we need but the prices were hefty.
This is the colour we want and most of the design elements. Still, some things to discuss and shift around.
Today the washing machine is being delivered and we have a lot of loads to do so there’s that too, to round off a very busy week. We hope you had a good week and we thank Anne for giving us the chance to share how our week went by wrapping it up in one word.
It does sound like you have been busy.
Good idea getting your compost delivered. I do the same to save carrying it.
Doing YouTube is fantastic for you and your family to look back on. I suppose it’s the same with our blogs.
Ohh! The main head office and factory for Wren is near where I live. Their kitchens are beautiful but so expensive, I didn’t know they did bedrooms either.
Your new shed is very cute and the slabs do look like they were laid perfectly! x
Kim Carberry recently posted…What I have loved this week! Week 4. #FridayFavourites
I love your new shed and your slabs and patio area. Good luck with getting your kitchen right. I hope the work doesn’t take too long. it does sound like a busy week but it’s a shame you couldn’t find some fresh fish. I remember the fish market in town. I don’t even know if it’s the same anymore it’s been so long since I went. I do remember my nan used to make us go to get her some crab claws.
Anne Sweet recently posted…Storm is My Word of the Week Four
Wow that was a busy week. Getting compost delivered is such a good idea – so much easier than having to lug it in and out of the car! Your new shed looks good and I like the little ‘patio’ area to one side. Good luck with getting the kitchen sorted. #WotW