This week I’m linking again with a few bloggers to talk about my week and the one word that sums it up. It doesn’t have to be a single word. Sometimes it’s hard to sum it up in one word and a little phrase will do better.
The perfect word for me to sum up my week is the word blasé. Have you ever had one of those weeks where there was like nothing new or different or exciting? It’s quite different from being boring. I wasn’t bored at all this week and I do have a lot that needs taking care of. But things were a bit Blah Blah.
The weather
It has been awful weather this week. So many moods in one day! Rain, thunderstorm, freezing cold, a little bit of sunshine, and even one day with a whole lot of hail!
It’s unusual to have weather like this in May and it didn’t help my mood at all! In fact, one day this week I was quite sad as a little boy was struck and killed by lightning this week in Blackpool. What an awful thing to happen! I really felt it for that family to have to suffer this with everything that was happening around us.
Usually, in May we are washing everything that’s possible to wash and hanging them out in the sunshine to dry. Then those things which can’t fit in the washing machine would get a proper airing and sunning outdoors. None of that was possible this week.
Stuck indoors
If you’ve been reading our blogs for a little while you would know just how much we hate the wet and cold (as if that isn’t what we have more than half of the time!) So for most of this week, we didn’t even get to go for a walk. On Wednesdays, we usually have our Wednesday day date (Check out last week’s here.) And even though we knew it would be a rainy day this week Wednesday, we found a one hour window of sunshine where we could venture out
We had a few things to get from the shops and had planned to have lunch at a cafe in a beautiful little church on the High Street. We were just in the shop across the road at the tills when the heavens opened! We didn’t even have an umbrella!
We eventually had to wait a bit for the rain to ease and had to go to the pound bakery to grab a few bites to eat in the car instead. It was ok, nothing exciting. Just blasé actually. No one wanted to risk being stuck indoors at the cafe and not being able to leave because of the heavy showers.
The pound bakery lunch was ok and we got chicken pasties (mine was devoid of any chicken), a crisp, and a drink. One lunch was for £2. I suppose we should be grateful because if we had got into the cafe it would have cost us more.
So I know I shouldn’t but for some reason, every day this week I logged into my investment account to see how things were going. At the start of the week things looked grand, and in fact, I was quite pleasantly surprised! It was quite an up and down week where that was concerned. Imagine my shock yesterday when I checked and the value of my investments had actually done down!
I’ll forever be a scaredy-cat investor I think. I’d hate to lose a lot of money and yesterday I was quite tempted to grab and run. But then I remember they always say you have to be in it for the long haul.
I tried to ponder about what might be affecting things so negatively this week. There are upheavals in Palestine, and there’s also the pandemic raging on in some countries like India and that seems never-ending.
Guess what? I just paused from my writing to log in again and things are even worse than they were yesterday. I promise I won’t check again until next month. I won’t learn, will I?
Online learning
No, I haven’t gone back to school but I’ve started a mentoring course over Zoom. I really wasn’t in the mood to sit and talk in such a structured way with about 7 or 8 other ladies for 2 hours, from 6 to 8 pm this week. I just wasn’t in the mood. I was feeling blasé and as a result, I daydreamed a lot and I don’t think I grasped much.
I certainly hope next week will be better and that a nicer word will come to mind when I try to sum up my week. Last week’s word was happy. Do check it out.
Over to you, what word would you use to sum up how your week has been? Do let us know in the comment section below.
Have you done your good deed yet?
I think everyone is feeling a bit the same lately. What a shame about your Wednesday lunch. The sun will return though, I’m sure. Your investment must be a bit worrying, fingers crossed it picks up again soon. And I know what you mean about not wanting to join in with your zoom learning. I gave up on a learning opportunity myself this week. Fingers crossed you have a lovely relaxed weekend.
Anne recently posted…A Beautiful New Canvas from Photowall
Ahh! Blasé! I could have used that word but went with normal. I’ve had one of those weeks too.
The weather has been terrible. It feels more like winter than nearly summer. That was awful about that little boy from Blackpool.
You are brave with your investments. I would have probably grabbed and ran but you’re right, you’ve got to play the long game. Good luck x
Kim Carberry recently posted…This week my Word of the Week is: Normal! #WotW
Thanks Kim. We hope for a better week ahead.
I don’t think the weather helps with that feeling of life being a bit blase at the moment. It has been all over the place. Hopefully we’ll get some sunshine too. That little boy getting killed by lightning in Blackpool was so tragic – my heart absolutely breaks for his family. It’s worrying when investments go down but I think there is a lot going on that makes the markets a little more unsettled right now and it is a long-term thing. Hopefully they’ll go back up again soon. Zoom sessions are hard when you’re not feeling motivated. Hope that next week will be a better week. #WotW
I think we are all feeling a little bit like that. I don’t know if it is a good feeling or a bad feeling. Perhaps because we are all waiting and watching the world at the moment. I saw the news about that little boy. What a terrible freak accident. I also remember the news saying the stock market went down a bit this week. I didn’t pay attention to why #WotW
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