Have you ever done anything that you previously thought you would never do? It happens to us sometimes, but it happened so much this week that we thought bold is an apt word to describe the week. Let’s tell you about it and see if you would agree.
So we are having our kitchen redone and the decorator has been in this week. The colour we chose for both the kitchen and dining room walls is green, yes you heard right. GREEN. We are from the vibrant island of Jamaica where the houses are painted in bold beautiful expressive colours, but not even in Jamaica have I ever painted a wall bright green. Quite bold indeed. The kitchen fitter was almost floored by our colour choice and so was the decorator. They have both done work for us before and never saw us being so bold.
We do intend to change the table to a wood-toned one that is rectangular. We think it’s a good idea to advertise our round grey table and chairs on FB marketplace and also to look for one there that suits our taste now. What do you think?
This week too, we continued work on doing up a new apartment, which by the way is coming on well. We have so far done a few jobs that we have not attempted before. We have installed blinds, and a cabinet under the sink and started work to frame out something out of wood to hide the old-fashioned toilet that is in the bathroom. That is not quite done yet, but even the attempt to so something like that I think is bold. Also, I installed the shower hose and fit the fitting for the shower head to the wall myself. If that is not bold, then I don’t know what is.
We have also put up net curtains and thicker black-out curtains. The bold move came when I saw a box of drapery rods in a charity shop for £3.50. I could tell that the bits were enough for at least 2 windows (plus extras). As there were only 2 ends to the whole thing, I decided to ask for a reduction in price to £3.00. Well, guess what? They charged only £2.00! That bold move certainly did pay off. I have used the rods in 2 rooms so far and I know I will need 2 ends for one of the rooms but I am sure that I could come up with something.
The weather is getting warmer but I understand that some frost is still expected, but there was an overwhelming urge to start planting. So one day this week when Jo had gone into the office to work, I took the bold move and planted a few things, including sunflowers, 2 types of peas, a few varieties of tomatoes, beans, roses, and more. I even planned a garden makeover and started filming that too but there has been so much rain that I have only been able to work outside for about an hour one day.
Sometimes our hair and scalp need a rest and it is quite expensive to add extensions (we both don’t like the idea of wigs). I watched intently as some ladies shared on Instagram how they had styled their own afro/caribbean hair. I was intrigued and wanted to try out one in particular, so I replayed over and over until I thought I got it down pat. Well, would you know, I did my own hair, with extensions and then did Jo’s as well! So proud and pleased too that it did not cost a fortune and both look really good. Since we’ve done the hair do’s we’ve had so many compliments including whilst we were live with our lovely subscribers on YouTube.
This week too, I needed to have a bed and wardrobe dismantled to make way for new furniture. Now the original ones were purchased from Dreams. However when I went to ask for the details of someone who would be able to dismantle them and move them and set up in the new apartment (I was donating them), alas I was not successful in finding anyone to do it. So Dreams would be delivering the new furniture to me and I had not yet had the old ones removed! We even went to other Dreams branches but still no luck! Well, then we decided to go to Benson’s for Beds. There we were successful in getting the details for a gentleman who would be able to do the job! So we look forward to that being done this coming week. It is pretty expensive we think but considering that we have tried so may other avenues and come up with nothing, we have to be bold.
Just as I am finishing up this post, one of our new neighbours that came to our little cul-de-sac gave us a lovely meal of chicken and jollof rice! It smelled so good that we tucked in right away. It’s really good to be a good neighbour. Long may this continue.
Would you agree we have been bold this week? Thanks. We think so too.
We hope you have a lovely long Easter weekend and also a great week ahead.
Thanks, Anne for allowing us to share a summary of our week.
Be blessed,
Jo and Leisa
Kim Carberry says
Bold is a great word!!
Good on you for your choice of colour, I saw an advert on TV for something and saw a similar green in a kitchen and it looked fantastic!
Well done for all the jobs you have done. DIY isn’t that scary when you give it a try. I love that you are being bold. x
Kim Carberry recently posted…What I have loved this week! Week 13. #FridayFavourites
Joleisa says
I was shocked when I came in to the kitchen and saw the bold green too, but we love it. Can’t wait for the rest.
Jane - Our Little Escapades says
I really like the colour of your kitchen. I think it’s a great choice. Our house is just full of white walls at the moment. I hope we will be bold this year and add some colour. It sounds like you got lots of jobs done this week too. Bold was a good week for you #WotW
Jane – Our Little Escapades recently posted…Word Of The Week – Muddled
Anne Sweet says
Our kitchen is green but it’s much lighter. I want to go bold in my bedroom with a red wall. I have been told that red isn’t good for sleep but if I have it on the wall behind my bed I won’t be looking at it while trying to sleep. Can I be as bold as you ladies?
Anne Sweet recently posted…Raisie Bay’s Kitchen Easter Monday
Joleisa says
Red is bold, as you say. I wouldn’t do the whole room in red though. One feature wall should be nice.