If you have kids, you might believe that your chance of becoming an entrepreneur or business owner is over. Good news: that definitely is not the case! While life with kids is endlessly busy and requires a lot of skill on its own, you can still explore your dream of becoming a business owner.
We are perfect examples of being able to boss it all, kids, jobs, running your own business etc. Read on if you want to know if you have what it takes to be a #BossMom:
You Are Passionate
If you’re going to see your business idea through to the very end, you’re going to need a strong ‘why’. This is the thing that will lay beneath everything else. It will keep you going when times get tough, and it’ll help to give you that feeling of fulfillment that is often lost in standard 9-5 jobs.
If you’re truly passionate about something, it could also make your work life easier. Don’t take this the wrong way: starting a business and keeping up with everything it entails won’t be easy. However, when you’re doing the work you set out to do in the first place, you should find that you get lost in it.
Your passion for work and especially if you are your own boss will take you a very long way.
You Are Self Aware of what it takes to be a boss mom
Being self-aware is key. This is because you need a good knowledge of your strengths and weaknesses, so you can figure out how to continue growing and learning as a business owner.
If you’re self-aware, you should find that you are not overly sensitive to feedback, and this will help you to see your business objectively so you can make changes.
There’s a real balance that needs to be found when you own a business. You need to explore how far you’ve come and celebrate your achievements while looking for ways to improve and grow. You need to have confidence in your decisions, but be willing to listen to relevant people who can help you to improve. It’s a tough balance, but with practice, you can find it.
You Are Willing To Take Risks
You will need to take a leap of faith at some point if you’re thinking of starting a business. Risk is a huge part of business. You need to understand the level of risk you’re comfortable with, and then you can begin making plans. When a risk pays off, it truly pays off.
This is similar to the area of investing: you are somewhere between a scaredy-cat and a raging bull, with how much risk you are willing to take.
You Are Willing To Get Help
You won’t always be able to do things alone as a business owner. There’s so much to do, especially when you take things like marketing and general admin into account. Outsourcing certain things can help, as well as automating the tasks that you do every day. Working with a fast, professional customs brokerage and other reliable suppliers will also help you to keep your customers happy and ensure everything runs as it should.
Learn about what type of jobs you can easily outsource so that you have the jobs that you are truly passionate about and can manage well.
It is also a wise idea to liaise with other boss moms who are ‘killing it’ in the entrepreneurial world. It helps so much to bounce ideas off each other and joining Facebook groups and other social media sites really does help.
There are many out there that you can learn from and that you can also help too.
You Know How To Prioritize
We’ve mentioned balance, but it’s still worth talking about your ability to prioritize. Balancing relationships, health, self-care, work, and anything else you have going on in your life will not be easy. Being able to prioritize and stay flexible is the only way to get around it.
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