Nothing is more refreshing than to be able to sit out in the open air in a lovely well-manicured space. Now is the perfect time to get things going so that you can get your garden ready to enjoy.
I am looking forward to doing what I can now that the days are a little warmer and I can bear to stand outside. Even the other day when it got cold and windy, I just reminded myself that I will enjoy the space in the nicer weather and I’ll be sipping on something fabulous soon.
Refresh your flower pots
I’ve been inspired for years now by some really big flower pots I saw in Holland the last time I visited. They were massively oversized and really colourful. They were strategically placed by the front doors and I thought they added so much curb appeal.
So what we actually plan to do this year is to spray paint our boring-looking clay-colored plant pots into vibrant reds, blues, yellows and oranges. We’ve already purchased the correct spray paints to use.
Prune those rose bushes
Here at home, we were gifted a red and a pink rose bush some years ago. They came in pots and we’ve kept them that way. Every year (well, most years) we cut them back. At first, I thought this seemed so awful and wasteful even!.
But then I learned the lesson: cutting them back actually allows them to flourish, grow, and bloom even more. Instead of growing tall and lanky, with a few blooms on, they get to spread out a bit more and grow beautiful, full blooms.
So with some handy secateurs that I bought on Amazon. we will be pruning our rose and other bushes to give them a chance to flourish.
Give the shed a clear-out
I’m sure it’s not just cobwebs that need cleaning out. If you’re like us, you would have put from a pin to an anchor in that shed especially when you couldn’t think of where to place something.
Especially now during the lockdown, you might have placed things in the shed until places reopen again and you get the chance to put them where they really belong. I am thinking specifically about things like bags of stuff for the charity shops, for the tip, and also for friends.
You will be able to enjoy your shed more in the Spring and Summer so that is definitely a job that needs doing.
Clear the rubbish
Where does all this rubbish come from? Every Spring when I finally emerge reluctantly from being cooped up indoors, I come out to the back garden to find all this rubbish! Crisp packets, bits of balloons, kids’ balls, and other things we’d refused to go out to pick up when it’s too cold.
Well, luckily, with a few black bags, a pair of garden gloves (or disposable gloves if you don’t have those), and a rake, you can get your garden cleared of what you don’t need.
All your hard work will soon pay off and you are able to look out and enjoy the beauty that is your back garden. Don’t forget to give the front garden a spruce up too.
Tame the lawn
For some reason, finance and exercise mainly, we like to mow the lawn ourselves. Thankfully, the lawn is fairly flat and easy to manage. Purchasing an easy-to-manage, lightweight lawnmower with a removable holder for the cut grass, was one of the best decisions we made for the garden.
It is so easy to use that it takes us about 30 to 45 minutes to do both back and front garden, with the added bonus being that it gives us some exercise too. So win, win.
So be brave, head out into the garden and prepare it as a comfortable, inviting space that you will want to be in. Think gentle breeze, beautiful flowers, and also the chance to refresh and rejuvenate your mind and body. So put the hard work in now whilst it is not too hot. You can thank us later.
With the easing of lockdown and other restrictions, we can see many happy Spring and Summer days coming, so enjoy.
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