This dessert is perfect, and especially when strawberries are in abundance and therefore more affordable.
I’ve made this and shared it with my family and friends. They love it too. I thought I’d document how I made it so that you can make it too if you want. It’s a real show stopper! Once you have made this, I guarantee you will like it and then you can easily adapt it using other fruits of your choice.
For ease of reference, I’m going to share the recipe in 4 parts as that is what made it easy for me and what will also make it easier for you. The 4 parts are:
- Biscuit base
- Cream and cheese layer
- Jelly layer (the twist), and
- The fruit layer
Here’s what you will need to make it.
Biscuit Base
250g plain digestive biscuits
100g melted butter
Cream and Cheese Layer
600g cream cheese
100g icing sugar
300ml double cream
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
Jelly Layer
1 pack Hartleys sugar-free strawberry jelly
100ml hot water
100ml cold water
25g icing sugar
The Fruit Layer
400g strawberries
To Make
Place the biscuits in a ziplock bag. Crush the biscuits using a rolling pin. (You can also use a food processor to crush them)Transfer to a large bowl. Pour the melted butter in and combine completely. Transfer the mixture to a 23cm springform tin. Flatten well all over the base of the pan. Allow it to set in the fridge for at least 1 hour.
Using an electric whisk, mix the double cream in a bowl until it starts to thicken. In another bowl mix the cream cheese, icing sugar and vanilla until it too begins to thicken. Add the double cream to this bowl and fold it in gently. It should get thick enough so that it does not fall out of a spoon that is turned down.
Remove the biscuit base part from the fridge and add the combined cream cheese and double cream mix. Make smooth in the tin. Return the springform tin to the fridge for at least 5 hours or better yet, overnight.
If you do not intend to make the jelly layer, then you should wash, cut, and arrange the strawberries on the top of the cream cheese double cream mix before returning it to the fridge.
For the jelly layer, empty the pack of jelly along with the icing sugar into a jug. Pour the hot water on and mix, then pour the cold water on and mix. Allow to cool in the fridge for about 8 to 10 minutes then pour over the cheesecake and allow to set for a further hour or two.
To remove the cheesecake, place it on a can. Loosen the ring of the tin, and gently push down the outer rim of the tin until it is at the bottom. Next job is to slide the cheesecake onto the plate that it will be served from. Add a few mint leaves to aid the presentation.
Enjoy. I am sure you will.
Related Products I use to make the strawberry cheesecake
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