On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate yourself when it comes to shopping for groceries? Let’s say 1 means you’re absolutely clueless even about where things are kept, and 10 means that you know where to find stuff (including deals and great bargains).
I would say I am about a 9.6! Go me!
I am going to share with you 50 of my best tips for shopping for groceries. You’ll be amazed at some of my tips. You may need to write them down to remember them all. I know your grocery shopping will never be the same again! You are so going to save thousands.
Here’s a little snippet showing us on a Channel 5 program airing this summer. Lots of tips to share there.
No you’re not seeing double – meet our BOGOF brummy bloggers @CreedJoleisa who’re not afraid of hunting down a bargain. These twins are bursting with top tips too! ?#shopsmartsavemoney pic.twitter.com/27uh1J2yMI
— Shop Smart Save Money (@shopsmartsavers) June 4, 2018
Here goes:
- Make a list! Meal planning helps. It will change your life
- Ensure that you do not go shopping on an empty stomach
- If the child or hubby isn’t necessary for your trip, leave them at home.
- Always make a habit of putting your shopping bags in the car so you don’t pay for new ones
- Be familiar with the sale aisle in your supermarket
- Do comparison shopping by looking online
- If your supermarket has a loyalty system make use of it
- Most free supermarket magazines have money off vouchers or coupons. Use them
- Download and use the receipt hog app
- Keep a track of your spending
- Do an inventory of your food store and fridge/freezer before you go out to shop
- Use best before date on foods as a guide and not as a definite no-no
- Buy cream when the price is reduced, let the kids have fun turning it into butter which will then last longer in the freezer see the post on how to
- Visit the world food aisle to find some canned goods much cheaper
- Buy a whole chicken and learn how to portion it to make different meals
- check out the super six aisles in Aldi
- Buy fruits and vegetables in season as when there is a glut in the market they are cheaper
- Don’t buy items in bulk if you have no suitable storage space and a small family
- Make a shopping list
- Don’t buy a product based solely on the brand name
- Check per unit price on products to see what is the most cost-effective
- Reduced price meat on sale can be purchased, cooked then frozen until ready to use
- When purchasing bread and other baked goods as well as eggs, go for the ones at the back which have a longer shelf life
- Whenever it is more cost-effective to buy meat in bulk, do so. Portion it yourself and store it effectively.
- Frozen fruits and vegetables are nutritionally sound and should be purchased whenever convenient
- Compare the cost of loose products as against those pre-packaged to secure savings
- Check the prices of items with yellow stickers and incorporate these into your meal planning
- check out the cost of fruits and vegetables where you can haggle about the price as compared to those with set prices
- Buy cheaper cuts of meat that can be cooked in a slow cooker
- To introduce variety into your diet, try introducing new foods/fruits as these might be cheaper options
- Some cheaper supermarkets like Lidl and Aldi may surprise you in terms of savings
- If you don’t already do this, shop for peas, beans and pulses and make at least one meatless meal each week.
- Maximise the points on your loyalty card by doubling it up when that’s offered
- At the checkout, don’t be afraid to offer the use of your loyalty card, if a shopper hasn’t got theirs
- During taste testing sessions in the supermarket, have a try of the products on offer. You may like the product and usually, it’s being sold at the cheaper, introductory price.
- Berries can be bought when they are in plentiful supply and frozen to make smoothies
- Be sure to buy some canned goods that will be useful for quick meals
- Avoid buying spices that you will not use much of
- For those spices you do use a lot of, buy in bulk and then portion out
- After your purchase, be sure to transport safely and carefully, for example, pack cold things together in freezer bags
- Bread, if on sale can be purchased, frozen, and used to make bread pudding, bread crumbs or croutons
- Purchase frozen fish which can be used to make fish pies
- When doing online shopping, in the search criteria, you can search for prices ranging from low to high
- Try supermarket own brand products
- Don’t avoid purchasing oddly shaped vegetables as they have the same nutritive value
- When shopping with kids let them avail themselves of the free fruits on offer rather than the snacks you are purchasing then
- Some supermarkets place their sale items on the lowest shelf, check these out
- Overripe bananas are ok to purchase as they make perfect banana bread, smoothies and one ingredient ice cream, and milkshake
- Carrots bought in bulk for a cheaper price can be used to make beautiful carrot cakes
- Generally, mushrooms are quite inexpensive and can be used to add fibre and nutritive value to many dishes.
I am sure you can give me a point or two to add to my tips here. What would you say are the points that would make shopping cheaper and easier for us savvy shoppers? I can’t wait to hear what you have to say.
I started meal planning a few years back and it has changed my life completely…I don’t know how people save money without a meal plan?! Love the list, thank you.
We love meal planning too and have saved hundreds! Even before you go into the shop, there are savings to be made.
Great ideas. I always meal plan ahead of time and use an app to capture my grocery list that also places each item in a category that allows for easier shopping.
That app sounds like a great idea! I’d love to know what it is to share with my readers. You should tell us what it is.
These are very helpful tips! ? Thank you for sharing. One money saving tip I can share is to buy products that have good quality and greater quantity at a reasonable price. For instance instead of buying a popular brand of detergent, I buy an equivalent less branded detergent with similar quality but more or bigger quantity. I also set a fixed grocery budget and stick with it when I shop. ?
Great tips! Leaving the kids and hubby at home usually saves a lot!
I love the idea of grabbing the bread from the back! Makes so much sense!!
I know I need to start meal planning! This is a great list! Boy have I learned NOT to shop while hungry, haha!
Good for you and your budget, Jennifer
These are great tips! I often add vegetables like mushrooms or zucchini to dishes to add fiber and make the meat stretch further. Thanks for sharing your ideas!
Those are helpful tips and #1 is one I can’t mom without ??
These are really great tips. I’m SO guilty of shopping on an empty stomach Ha! But I also go to our supermarket when there is a big event going on because tons of vendors offer samples AND always coupons with them!
I can’t recommend enough to buy direct from the farmer when possible. It has made a huge difference in our food budget, not to mention we get butcher quality for Walmart prices here! Also look into making your own bread, it can be done for cheaper than the grocery store when you time your yeast and flour purchases right
These are such great tips! My biggest tip is to not shop with men 😛 Whenever I shop with Alan we spend a gazillion times more because he wants ALL THE THINGS haha!
Well, you certainly have got this figured out! Good luck.
These are such great tips! I always find that making a list ahead of time and planning meals helps me not buy things impulsively in the store.
Hi Joleisa
Saving on food is a great topic and you mentioned very interesting and awesome tips.
Thanks and keep sharing
Great Article! Thank you for sharing…it’s a good point to always check and see
if you are doing those things to your employees or coworkers.