Set in the lively city of Leeds, we are well into the first filming for us in September for the Channel 5 show we are on. We will be doing a series of posts outlining what’s been happening. Let’s admit it, there will be highs and lows. We will share a few secrets too! We hope you find it interesting.
The train journey is long, and being the first one of the series, we are not so tired…yet. The train journey from Birmingham to Leeds is 3 hours, so we have the time to write blog posts, catch up on emails and reading. No use trying to make phone calls as the service gets really bad and it’s frustrating.
Some of our train snacks!
We sit snacking and people watching, but also figuring out some money-saving tips to share with the next family, and ultimately, with our readers and the general public.
With food prices going up, due to a combination of the unusual weather and also uncertainties surrounding Brexit, we are concerned that there might not even be much that we can do.
We will have to look back at the list of 50 shopping tips for savvy shoppers that we came up with. Some money saving ideas are eternal! Well, I don’t know if eternal is the word. What I mean is that there are some tips that just never grow old or stale. But they still save you money. Tips like:
- Remember to take your shopping bags with you
- Don’t shop on an empty stomach
- Look out for yellow stickers
- Don’t buy what you don’t need just because it’s on sale
- Plan on what you are going shopping for
- Compare prices between brands
See our list of 50 tips for savvy shoppers
We are not staying at Premier Inn this time so look out for our review of this less known hotel on our review blog.
Filming has gone well and we don’t quite feel like novices anymore! There is a new production director which makes things interesting.
Personally, I think that we might have lost the first challenge in this series! We will have to wait and see. I can say now that some of the prices we saw online were different from what we saw in person in the shop! So that’s a bit of a warning in effect. You’ll have to watch it and see!
But hey ho, as they say, it is not the winning that is important but the taking part. So for the first episode in the second series, we can say we took part. Hopefully by the time airing begins we can report that we have won at least one challenge. Until next time, cheerio and please tune in if you can.
It’s the end of October now, the clocks have just gone back, and we are more than halfway through filming for series two.
We have done some cooking and though it was a bit nerve racking, I am so grateful that I eventually left teaching and we are now enjoying something that we love.
Our meal planning has taken on new meaning as we sometimes are away from home for two and a half days at a time. See what we ate last week, for example.
Jo and Leisa
Tom says
I’d like to be added as a contributor to your frugal/thrifty 101 Pinterest group board. Thanks for considering my request. I just now followed you/all your boards. My Pinterest account is called dividendsdiversify Tom
Joleisa says
I’ll send you an invitation now. Please ensure you pin out as much as you put in.
Shirley says
Very cool that you are on a television show! I hope it’s wildly successful for you!
Meg says
Holy Moly can you imagine if everyone followed the all important advice of “Don’t buy what you don’t need just because it’s on sale” ?! What a world we would live in. Thanks for tips!