When it comes to ideas for the summer, I have them ready at the tip of my tongue. My childhood summers were by far the greatest, compared to now.But wait, your summer happiness depends on a number of factors, such as whether you have children (and their ages), where in the world you live, and also whether you will be working during the summer at all. For the purpose of this post, I’m going to assume that you are not as fortunate as I am, so you work during the day in the summer. Sorry. I must apologize again, my ideas do not involve the use of alcohol! I like to be in full control of myself. And in any case, you can have a glorious summer by taking some ideas from mine.
For the purpose of this post, I’m going to assume that you are not as fortunate as I am, so you work during the day in the summer. Sorry. I must apologize again, my ideas do not involve the use of alcohol! I like to be in full control of myself. And in any case, you can have a glorious summer by taking some ideas from mine.
Summer time is beautiful and reminds me of long days, lazy walks, young loves, and delicious food. What does it remind you of? My childhood springs to mind, so in a way, it’s especially dedicated to me- and to you too! Do you remember the games you played as a child during the summer when the days seemed longer than forever? Jog your summer memory a bit.
Long summer days
Oh, the glorious days of summer. Even when it’s pm, there’s still a lot left of the day. The sunshine, if you get just the right amount, is refreshing and invigorating. It gives you a boost of energy that propels you to do just what you have to do. Read my previous post about the benefits of the sunshine. So make sure you plan outdoor activities that you enjoy and that you will get involved in. It may be a sport or a hobby. Go out and enjoy it, don’t get cooped up when you could be enjoying the benefits of the sunshine! Don’t spend lots of money either. You could play games outdoors with the family, you could tell stories where one person starts it with a few sentences and the person to their left would carry on and so on. We used to do this when we were little. For some reason, the story always turned into a horror one, no matter how gentle and pleasant it started off! I especially like this idea because it helps children with being creative thinkers.
Don’t spend lots of money either. You could play games outdoors with the family, you could tell stories where one person starts it with a few sentences and the person to their left would carry on and so on. We used to do this when we were little. For some reason, the story always turned into a horror one, no matter how gentle and pleasant it started off! I especially like this idea because it helps children with being creative thinkers.
Lazy summer walks
These are fun, aren’t they? You’re going nowhere in particular but you are moving. Not only are you burning energy and losing calories, but these lazy walks gives you a great chance to just think! Sometimes you just need that time and space to be able to think about things in order to make decisions, plan things out, convince yourself about a matter or just to be with your own company.
And the good thing too, is that you can have your own music to boost you too, whether it be on your mobile phone, mp3 player or iPod. So go ahead, take the chance and see how quickly you fall in love with long lazy walks. Parks are common so what about a walk near to a canal, river, marketplace (Lots to see and experience), fruit field or orchard or even by some historic buildings. Whatever you do, have fun and make it memorable.
Young summer loves
There’s something about summertime that makes you embrace something such as love with almost reckless abandon! If you already have a partner, plan some date nights and do whatever you both want to do! Let your imagination run wild and for sure you’ll come up with some amazing ideas. If you feel like it, you can share some of those ideas with the rest of us! If you’re young and in love, or even if you’re older, and in love, this is the absolute best time of the year for romance! Just knowing its summer, gives you hope that things, as they are, will last for a long time. Holding hands, snogging, going to the park or movie, and walking on the beach, are some ideas for you if you’re stuck! What about giving your partner something small (cheap or better yet, free) that they will cherish for a long time? A flower picked on the way home…? a piggy back ride? Anything really.
Delicious summer food
I don’t know about your family but when I was growing up, no one wanted to be in the kitchen preparing food for long hours! Man, it was way too hot. But it doesn’t mean that our meals were any less delicious. In fact, they would be the nicest ones, and almost always involved no cooking at all! There were so many fresh fruits to be had: pineapples, watermelon, mangoes, oranges, sugarcane, naseberries, jackfruits and otahiti apples! I know many of my readers don’t know these, so pardon their use here. Anyway, if you knew them, you’d be drooling right now! And to wash it all down, we had some refreshing lemonade made with freshly picked and squeezed limes or lemons, a little sugar, and a lot of ice and water! Wherever it was we sat down, we sometimes fell asleep in the same spot!
PS you could type the name of some of those fruits into Google to see what they look like and to start mesmerizing your senses until the day you get to taste them.
Summer was meant to be enjoyed. Slowly. Every. Long. Waking. Hour. Whether it be long walks, celebrating young love, or eating delicious food, you are bound to find things that you can do that are both free and fun. Enjoy!
Want to see my bucket list for this summer! I have big plans!
Talk soon. But in the meantime, drop us a line or two in the comments box below.
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Brenda says
I agree – life is what we make it. This summer my plan has been to explore new places in my own city. Have already been to a park just 15 minute walk from my house I had NEVER been. Enjoy and take it all in. Thank for great ideas and reminders!
Joleisa says
ooh exciting! Will you do overseas places or nearby? It’s quite expensive and a little scary these days to travel out of the country. Did you see my post on cheap family fun travel/holiday ideas?
Thanks and do enjoy but stay safe.
Jenny says
We’ve been trying to enjoy more simple pleasures this summer as well. We’re headed to the beach this weekend and I can’t wait to walk along the water and snap some sunset over water pics!