Yes, you read it right! These fat girls are staying at home! And yes, I also said, fat girls.
Seriously, though. Do you want to know what we’ve been noticing? Just have a look at the photographs of the folk who have died as a result of this Covid19 virus. I notice that the majority are on the heavier side.
As a result, we are even more determined not to go out at all. Not even for our daily walks will we go out. Exercise will now be through gardening, climbing the stairs, or using the space in the living room. We will also be watching what we eat.
So, how are we coping this week? By the way, thanks to those who checked out our post last week on Week 77 on Lockdown. Some persons reached out to us and shared how inspired they were with what we were doing. That truly encourages us to go on and to share what else we are doing this week.
Indoor BBQ helped us in staying home and doing well
The folk at GoOutdoors are great at promoting exploring the great outdoors as individuals and families. However, seeing as we are in the midst of a serious pandemic, they have adjusted their message a bit to show that we can still have fun while staying indoors.
So this week, we started off the week on Sunday with an indoor BBQ featuring oven jerk chicken and burgers. It was nice to do this for a change and we all enjoyed not having the usual Sunday dinner or Sunday roast. I really felt like having some of the best homemade vegan burgers but sadly, we didn’t have all the ingredients to hand.
Some of the positives of having the BBQ food cooked indoors are that we avoided the smoke in our lungs and also the clothes got a chance bask in the sunshine and to dry without having the smoke get into them. I had forgotten what the smell of freshly laundered and sun -dried clothes were like.
Social Media to the rescue
We like interacting on social media and learning from others every day. Well, now, we definitely have more time for that. We are watching lots of crafts, pantry and kitchen organisation, as well as dumpster diving!
I swear some people are making a good living from gathering up what other people don’t want and fixing them for sale. We see some amazing pieces being made and that warms us so much as we are into frugal living too.
Our favourite YouTubers this week have been Mary from White Cottage Company, Elisha English, who is currently doing up a second motor home, and McCenna. These women are so inspiring and make me wish I knew how to revamp my YouTube channel. I need help, but that’s for another time.
We belong to a number of groups on Facebook, one of them being Money Bloggers. Thanks to the lovely Andy Webb, a pub quiz was organised and we entered. It is important to note that we are pub quiz virgins so we entered with some trepidation. Imagine not ever doing a real pub quiz and then going on to win a virtual pub quiz! It was so much fun! We had our teen helping us and we were worried that that might be perceived as cheating, then half way through we learned that most teams had their kids or others helping them too!
Staying home and planting vegetables
Leisa definitely has green fingers and can’t seem to wait for more sunshiny weather. So this week, she had soaked and planted some vegetable seeds indoors. These include courgettes, thyme and pumpkin and they are doing well indoors. The same can’t be said for the same kinds of seeds planted outside. I suppose they need more warmth and moisture in order to flourish.
In addition to weeding and replanting some flowers in the back garden, Leisa has also mowed the lawn and used her new weed whacker to cut the grass in some areas that were previously hard to get to. I must admit she looks funny doing it but it is being done anyway. Things are looking up and this makes us feel even better to be outdoors to soak up the sunshine and even to sit out in the conservatory.
Staying home and getting the sewing machine out
I haven’t been doing any sewing recently at all. But my friend Dahlia who lives in Connecticut has been sharing with me how she has been helping the cause by making scarves for those who need it.
Needless to say, I was bitten by the bug and decided to make some too. I honestly don’t think I will need them as I am not leaving home, but as I already have the materials I need, I did almost 20. They are free to anyone who needs them.
I did run out of elastic as most people had, but I ordered and got some thin apron strings from Amazon which I used to complete some. I saw on social media that some folk have been complaining that the elastic actually hurts their ears if they wear the masks for prolonged periods.
The string ones tie comfortably behind the head and you can actually adjust as you like.
Update: just as I was finishing up this post, I got messages from my sisters, friends and past students who are nurses in the states, asking me to send them some of the masks. This thing is no joke. I am hoping it can get to them on time.
Ten ingredient challenge
This week too we challenged ourselves to cook something for lunch by choosing about 10 ingredients from our newly made pantry. About 3 or 4 main ingredients along with some herbs and spices and to be fair, we have had some really tasty treats. The meals are bulked out with lots of healthy veggies. Perhaps my favourite is a spicy rice that was cooked in about 20 minutes. It was soooo good. Just thinking about it now is making my mouth water. Yum Yum!
So, to be honest, we have not been bored yet. We are finding lots of good engaging things to do and we can think of lots more. Here’s hoping you find enough to do and find the patience to deal with whatever stresses you have to deal with in the coming days, weeks, months and who knows for however long more. But think of your home as being a place of refuge rather than somewhere you are locked into.
Again this week we are linking up with Cass Emma and Becky in this week’s ‘Frugal Friday’ linky. and checking out what frugal things they are up to.
Have a good week ahead.
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