If there’s one thing that everyone can be sure of right now, it is that life has thrown a massive curveball in our direction. Your life right now is probably unrecognizable from your life just a matter of weeks ago. Don’t you all want to know how to find your direction in these uncertain times?
All this change can be unsettling, not to mention confusing, and is undoubtedly giving everyone plenty of time to think about their lives. All of this unexpected time spent at home has turned some people into fitness fanatics, determined to overhaul their diet and exercise habits to come out of lockdown fitter and stronger than before.
Other people, are fully embracing time at home and are getting creative, finishing abandoned craft projects that were first started years ago, and cooking up a storm in the kitchen experimenting with new recipes. However, for other people, this time of social distancing can leave them longing to make a change in their lives, but unsure how to make this happen.
If you are hoping to find more direction in your life and to make it more meaningful, you may find yourself thinking about it constantly. There are many ways to find your path in these uncertain times, and to bring more focus into your life, here are some ideas to get you started:
Know What You Want
A lot of what happens to us and with us is based on our own doing and planning. So be careful with that. We all wish we could know what is going to happen but we can actually help to shape it.
To find direction in your life, you need to know what you want from your future. If you are unsure about this, you may want to talk with a friend or family member and bounce around some ideas. Some people even also consider having a free psychic reading to gain some insight into their future.
If you don’t know what direction you want your life to take right now, it is useful to think in terms of the future. What would you like your life to look like in a year from now? Five years from now, and so on. Establishing a ‘destination’ to work towards will provide you with a direction to follow.
Do What You Love
One reason that many people find it challenging to find direction in their lives is that there is a disparity between what they want, and the expectations placed on them by other people in their lives. For example, you may avoid pursuing a particular career because you don’t think your parents would approve, and you don’t want to disappoint them.
Setting aside all these expectations for a second, try to think about what would make YOU happy. What would you do if you weren’t anxious about the opinions of others?
One Step at a Time
At the moment, life is uncertain for everyone, but that doesn’t mean you can’t begin to make changes in your life. Even big changes start with one small step, so anything that you can do to work towards what you want from life will help. Starting with smaller changes is an excellent way to avoid overwhelm. Making small changes regularly is the perfect way to begin following your direction, even in these uncertain times.
Why not set out a path for your life? All you then need to do is to list and work on the baby steps to get you there. Also, in the process of shaping your life, think of shaping the lives of others too.
If you do have more tips for us and our readers, leave your comments below.
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Anne Sweet says
Great article ladies, lots of information to help us through this strange time we find ourselves in.
Anne Sweet recently posted…Diet and Health – You are What you Eat