If I were a boy (I mean a man!)
Wait a minute! Wasn’t this title ‘If I were a boy ‘a hit for Beyoncé! But that’s all I know. If you ask me what the rest of the words are, I haven’t got a clue. But for some reason I find the tune and words catchy and every time I hear the song I would belt out those five words and then just hum the rest (as you do when your favourite song comes on but you don’t know half the words!)
But the more I hear the song, the more I’m thinking about it. What if I were born a male? Ladies, have you any idea how you’d want to be if you were born male? Funny proposition but I’m going to give it a go! No, I’m not a transvestite and neither do I want to be one. I just want to share with you what I think about the type of man I would be. Laugh if you want to, I think I would be a darn good man, one of the best ever! One can always dream, can’t they?
If I were a boy (teen years)
I can imagine that I’d be tall, dark, athletic looking and fun to be around. I’d have lots of friends and I’d go out a lot with them. I would want to hear their take on things, like life, girls, religion, sports, video games, school, exams etc. I wouldn’t follow the bad company and I’d think ahead about the choices I’m making. My parents wouldn’t have to worry about me, their perfect son. I’d be home on time. Always. Or if something happened to delay me and I couldn’t be home I’d make sure to ring home. Wouldn’t want my parents worried at all! I’d be eyeing girls, not too much. Just to spot qualities I like and don’t like. But I’d hold off choosing yet.
If I were a boy (education)
This would be where I’d want to shine! I would do well in school. In fact, I’d push myself to be on top at all times. But then again, what if I wasn’t cut out for this school life stuff? I know lots of boys aren’t, but I would try. Hard. And I would make myself and my family proud. I would set myself up well. For my own future. But also for my parents.
If I were a boy (marriage and family)
Yes, I’d choose a wife. After I court her well. She’d be really happy to have me in her life, but not half as happy as I am to have her! She’d see it in my eyes daily, so she’d have no reason to doubt me. In fact, I’d tell her often just how much I love her, I’d mean it too, every bit of it. She’d have no reason to doubt me. Yes, I know there would probably be prettier and smarter women out there. But I would’ve made my choice, and my choice would stand. My daughter would know just exactly how to be treated royally, and not to accept any less. My son would have a good example of how to love, honour, respect and treat his future wife. I’d tell them every day. But my actions would say much more than my words, I would remain faithful to my wife and family and would avoid every sign of evil. My life’s ambition would be to make a success of myself, as far as it lies in my power. I would motivate myself daily.
If I were a boy (religion and spirituality)
I’d know and be sure that we are not here by some accident but that life was ordained by an all-loving God. I’d believe in Him and trust Him with my deepest fears and concerns but also with every little decision too. My prayer life would be strong, purposeful and true. I’d encourage my family and lead by example, lead by my own well read, reasoned and thought out faith. My faith would make me want the world to be a better place, so my daily actions would show that too. I’d be liberal in my giving to the needy, I’d be kind to the planet, and patient with humanity.
If I were a boy (the wider community)
I don’t know about you but I’d have no interest in politics at all! Sorry. I wouldn’t be interested in boosting my ego nor in promoting anyone else who wanted to boost their own ego. Sure I would want the right people to be in charge so I would (maybe) give my votes based on some careful reasoning and some amount of research. That would be the end of my interest as far as that goes.
If I were a boy (my elderly parents)
My parents would want for nothing! I would honour them for the sacrifices they made to raise me. Yes, I’d remember the mistakes they made but not hold them accountable. I’d understand that I wasn’t born with instructions on how to make me into a man. I’d make them happy. In fact, they’d be proud of the man I’d become. Proud that they had a part in my upbringing and proud to call me son.
If I were a boy (pain, sickness, disappointment)
Yes, I would cry. I’d be a man but I’d still be human, no doubt. Just as I’d react to good happy times with laughter and contentment I’d grieve when faced with the negatives, the lemons that come to prove just how strong they are. But I’d show these lemons who is the boss! I would bounce back. Livelier. Stronger. And more determined to be the best boy I could ever be. If I were a boy!
If I were a boy (facing death)
If I were a boy and had a choice about death, I’m not sure I’d want to know when. Like, I’m not sure if it’s better to just sleep off and not wake up, or whether it’s better to be ill and dying, slowly. On one hand, I wouldn’t have the time to worry but then again, I’d want the time to prepare, to put my earthly things in order; to decide on beneficiaries and all that jazz! Tough one this! And this has really made me think. If I were a dying boy (man) I would want people to be happy they knew me and that my life touched theirs in a positive way.
I’ll snap out of this zone now! I’m not a boy! I’m a happy woman! Grateful for the chances life has given me to be the best woman I can be; friendly, kind, decent, brave, true. With real fears and insecurities but taking each day as it comes, I’ll continue to be the best woman I can be. And my true friends and family know it. I’m not perfect, but neither is anyone. So no, I’m not going to think any more about IF I WERE A BOY! But I still do like the tune to the song these five words play homage to.
Has reading this made you think about what type of boy/man you would be? It’s been an eye-opener and much food for thought for me. Not sorry for the men out there at all. They have quite a reputation to live up to! And it is harder too. But you can be the best you ever! Starting today. Don’t just dream, get up and do it!
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