I know what you are thinking…..and that is not what I am thinking. Lol. One day this past week, we decided to make this the topic for discussion on our YouTube live! I am sure that people were thinking Annual General Meeting and all the other associated thoughts, but I took them out of their misery by letting them know we were not doing an Annual General Meeting. Instead, we asked them to come up with what AGM could mean for all of us on the platform. I must say they were very creative indeed and they did not let us down.
For this post, I too would like to think of something else AGM could mean especially in this season. I have come up with, wait for it: Autumn Great Moments, and so that is what this post will be about.
Autumn Great Moments
God has been truly amazing and I can see His hand all around at every season. Now that it is Autumn, the changes in nature start off every so slightly, until BOOM! One day everything just looks so different to the way it was during the Summer months. Recently, I was driving to pick up an old lady friend to take her shopping and as I drove, I noticed how absolutely stunning the trees appeared in their different hues, heights, and abundance of leaves. I definitely wanted to record this, but as we were running a bit late, I decided to record it once the shopping was done and I had dropped her back home. So once I had done my good deed for the day, I decided to do just that.
I inserted my phone into the car phone mount and pointed it slightly upwards, after all, there wasn’t much going on at the base or trunk of the trees, but so much to see up top. It was really amazing to behold! At some points, the clear blue sky can be seen, and that is beautiful too, but at some parts, especially where the streets are lined with trees on both sides, there seemed to form a multi-coloured canopy of sheer beauty! The birds must love being up so high and having this as their landscape. I hope they appreciate this. God thought of them too.
Bringing a Bit of the Outside in
I love flowers both inside and outside my home. I’m an avid gardener and I love to have plants and flowers both inside my home as well as in the back and front gardens. If ever I don’t have enough to bring inside from my garden, I really don’t mind purchasing some. In Autumn, however, I feel that there are beautiful Autumn flowers and blooming shrubs that I can bring inside and so that is what I have been doing. I have had some really gorgeous ‘blooms’ gracing the vases at home.
Cozying Up With Subscribers
We love our ‘Happy Hour’. That is the one hour each day we spend with our subscribers during a live chat session. It is, most times, a happy experience and so lively and funny. Yesterday in the live session, we asked them to tell us about the Joleisa moments they enjoyed the most in the past year. Well, most of us were crying! Not because we were sad but because we were howling with laughter! That was certainly one of the nicest moments of Autumn this year.
Pumpkin Picking
So we had the chance to visit an allotment during Autumn. It was really very lovely. The colours of the produce at that time were magnificent. Like a good neighbour, we helped to cover some of the pumpkins with dried grass as the frost was about to set in. I couldn’t help but think: ‘the colours are so beautiful and now they are going to be hidden. Other beauties include but are not limited to: sunflowers, apples, herbs of all types, corn and Figs. The colours were awesome.
And of course, there have been lots of other great moments of Autumn. But here is your chance to share with us some of your AGMs. You can add your comments below.
Continue to enjoy this beautiful season.
Jo and Leisa
I was thinking Annual General Meeting. lol The Autumn Great Moments is a lot more fun. The colours of the trees are amazing at this time of year. It sounds like you have so much fun in your Happy Hour.
I am loving the cosy days at home when it’s grey and wet out at the moment. Hot chocolate, blankets and TV. Perfect! x
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