Hurricanes have been given a bad rap! I don’t think they’re all bad. Wait, don’t be too mad at me. I was just thinking that hurricane Irma and others have taught us some lessons that we would be stupid to not learn from. I have learned some serious lessons and gotten the feel-good factor from some of the stories I’ve heard too. I will share some of what I have learned with you in the hope that it will make you stop and think that hurricanes aren’t just all bad.
Know and Love thy Neighbour
Let me just point out here that I was thousands of miles away when hurricane Irma struck the countries that it did but that didn’t stop me from being really concerned about people and the impact that it would have on them. It is true that no man is an island. No matter how wealthy you are, or what your skin colour is, a disaster is a disaster and you may find yourself needing the help of a neighbour. Don’t wait for a hurricane or other disaster to hit before you decide to be a good neighbour. In one of the news items, I saw on TV a scene from a massive stadium where people were cramped together on matrasses of all sorts that were laid out on the floor. It was the best option to stay in that situation and just get along, and they did.
I know my own mom and sister learned this lesson when they needed all their shutters put up and they desperately needed help fast! They reached out to a neighbour and he did give them a hand. They did admit that it was awkward for them both as they had not really spoken to each other before. Have they rectified it now? Yes, they have, and now they look out for each other.
Get Creative
There were so many Facebook posts going about regarding how to survive during and after the hurricane. Some of them were downright silly (like putting your important documents in your dishwasher) but others were quite clever. I will share one or two that I personally think is quite genius.
Take, for example, this Youtube video of how to charge your phone when the power is gone. I’ve tried it and it works! I bet you are going to try it too!
At the moment, my mom and sister still have the shutters on and will keep them on until the end of November when the hurricane season ends. Having the shutters on makes the house quite hot and so I’ve sent them this next video of how to actually cool down the house when you have no electricity. Mind you, you would need to have ice made in your freezer before the power goes off. It’s always a good idea to use any free space in your freezer to set some ice, even if you have to use [easyazon_link identifier=”B00SDM98LY” locale=”US” tag=”joleisacom21-20″]ziplock bags[/easyazon_link].
You know me, at least one of my lessons for you would be one involving being frugal and saving some money. If you have a freezer full of food when the hurricane hits, it would really pain you to have to throw out all that food, wouldn’t it? Well, my next lesson for you is a cheap but genius way to save money in a hurricane.
I am sure you have tips or lessons that you could share with my readers too. What’s one tip you would share if you got the chance (you can share by using the comment box below).
Related Hurricane Preparedness Items
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