I’m almost sure that our word of the week could do for everyone. Well, I hope so. That would be sad if we were the only ones affected by the unstable Internet connectivity this week.
We are linking again with Anne at Raisiebay.com to share a word or phrase that we would use, to sum up, our week. If you have a blog, we would love you to link up and share too. It’s always nice to hear how other people’s week has been. We are nosy like that.
It was only recently I sat and considered what if the World Wide Web should stop working! Well, I think it has been playing up in the past week or two and we certainly have been affected. In fact, last week we didn’t get to share our word of the week. This week we also had some unstable moments too because of the intermittent wifi connectivity.
In fact, at first, we were ready to call our home broadband provider and ask them to cancel the new contract that we just took out. But then we would have to return the new smart TV we got as part of the deal. Then we realise that they were not the cause of our unstable wifi. We got word that worldwide, even Whatsapp, Facebook and Instagram were down.
We rely on Whatsapp a lot to communicate with family members, to send photos for videos etc. So that was the biggest downside for us this week. It was not short of frustrating sometimes trying to send a message and it didn’t go through.
On one of our Youtube live videos this week, people notified us that the quality was unstable, blurry and glitchy. Oh no! We don’t like when the quality is poor because that can put people off. So we cleaned the lens and screen and did everything we could to fix things. Finally, we said we would just end the live (although we were in the midst of a lively discussion). Most of our subscribers said not to go, as they prefer seeing an unstable video with us than not at all! We have a lovely faithful bunch who join us live every Sunday to Thursday at 6 pm UK time. So it seems like that feature has become a part of their day. We are grateful for the growth and interaction there.
My banking arrangements have also been unstable this week. When we were on the show Shop Smart Save Money, Andy Webb shared with us about switching bank accounts to another bank especially if the new bank gives you an incentive to do so.
It sounded a bit scary to me at first as I was thinking what if my direct debits got messed up and all that. Thankfully, here in the UK, there’s the current account switch guarantee that if you switch banks, all your payments and direct debits, etc go through as normal.
Since Andy told me that, I switched one current account from Lloyds to Natwest and earned £150 (free money). Recently I switched from Natwest to Santander (to earn £100). Imagine my shock this week when I got two letters from my mortgage company and also from my home insurance provider! What a relief though! They were just informing me that they would now be taking payments from my new account. I thought it was my switch arrangement that was being unstable!
Just a suggestion: it’s not scary at all to switch current accounts so I would strongly suggest it, especially if you are getting some free money. If you do online banking or banking via your bank’s app, you will see all your direct debits just the same and also all the payees you have set up in the past.
This week too, one of the uni girls came home without telling us they were coming. What a surprise to see her in the living room just sat there waiting when Leisa and I got back from doing an errand on the High Street! Man! That almost made me unstable to top things off for the week!
We are not unstable guys, but our week certainly was. Let us know how your week was too!
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Anne says
I’m sorry you are having internet issues still and problems with your YouTube channel. I watch when I can but it’s usually not while you are live. I am thinking of changing my bank account, I’ve been with the same one for over 20 years so it’s definitely scary. I will look into it more though.
What a surprise with your girl coming home unexpectedly. I hope it was for happy reasons.
Fingers crossed you have a more stable week this week.
Anne recently posted…Word of the Week 41 – I’m Preparing
Kim Carberry says
It is hard to remember a life without the World Wide Web and even harder to think about a life without it if it stopped working.
Facebook, Insta and Whatsapp going down was a bit shocking. Everyone seemed to flock to Twitter. My eldest and her girlfriend chat using FB messenger and video chat on there but thankfully they were here at the time so didn’t have to rely on it.
That is rubbish YouTube wasn’t behaving it’s self for you but your subscribers do sound lovely.
I always worry about changing banks for the same reasons but my dad has done it plenty and never had any problems. x
Kim Carberry recently posted…This week my Word of the Week is: Preparing! #WotW
Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love) says
What a lovely surprise to have one of your girls home from uni unexpectedly. The FB/WhatsApp outage was quite frustrating. Glad that you have such lovely subscribers on your YouTube channel and hope the glitches get sorted out. What a relief that the letters from the mortgage and home insurance companies were just letting you know about the direct debit being switched over. Good to know that it’s a fairly straightforward process to change current account providers. #WotW