It’s very common to avoid planning your future. Lots of us like to use excuses whenever the topic comes up, acting like we’re too busy to think too far ahead. Realistically, you’re just scared about thinking of the future and all it holds. Well, you have too much time on your hands for any excuses, and this is the perfect opportunity to plan your future.
It doesn’t have to be as hard or extreme as it might sound. Really, all you have to do is think about three things!
Start by thinking about what career you wish to have in the future. Granted, this can be easier said than done. Some people have a passion that they want to follow no matter what. Others don’t have as clear a perception of things. The one thing that you should know about your career is that what you choose to do when you’re 18 won’t be what you always choose to do for the entirety of your life. You can get to 30 and wish you had done things differently, and when you do reach this age, you may want to check out project management for beginners, or look into going back to medical school. Everyone has the impression that they are stuck where they are by their age, but so what if you get to 30 and change your mind? You could avoid studying for four years, but those four years will pass you by anyway – you may as well make the most of them, right? The best advice is to consider what you love doing. What things are you passionate about? What takes up most of your time and makes you the happiest? Draw up a list of potential career paths and go through the pros and cons of each. Eventually, you may settle on one to follow.
Similarly, think about where you stand with your education. Do you need specific qualifications for your chosen career? If so, then research how to get the qualifications. Alternatively, you may decide you want to continue your education to develop as a human. There are plenty of things you can do beyond graduating from university. A Master’s degree is the next step, and this can lead you to a Ph. D or an Ed. D. You’ve probably never heard of an Ed. D before, and I don’t blame you. It’s not commonly talked about, but Bradley University does a good job of explaining what it is and what you will do. Regardless of your decision, it’s important to consider where you want to go with your education in the next few years of your life.
Finally, think about your main goals in life. These can be both short and long term. Consider where you want to be in a year from now, then five years, then ten years. Setting goals will give you things to work towards. It’s almost like you carve a path for your life. This can make it easier to make tough life decisions as you weigh up whether or not they help you reach your goals. Planning a future is pointless if you have no goals to try and work towards. I find that many people will do this to make themselves feel better. You can sit back and say to yourself that you’ve planned for the future because you’ve thought about your career and education. But, without any goals, you have nothing forcing you to act!
See, planning your future isn’t as tricky as it seems. Nor is it that daunting. Don’t be afraid! Nothing you do will be set in stone. It’s just a good way of bringing some structure to your life and giving you a sense of purpose. Focus on these three things and you can map out a great future for yourself.
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