If you work full-time then you may think that the only reason people change jobs is that they are unhappy. This isn’t always the case, in fact, sometimes there will be a reason for you to change jobs even if you are perfectly happy. If you want to make sure that you are not holding yourself back, then this guide will help you to know if now is the time for you to change jobs.
You’re Coasting through Work
When you find comfort in just about anything, whether it’s a job, a relationship or anything else of the sort, there tends to be a moment of time where you coast. You will find your comfort zone and you will stay in it. The longer you do this, the more likely you are to miss out in the long run. The main thing that you need to know is that coasting stops you from fulfilling your true potential. This may not seem too threatening early on but there will come a time when this turns into boredom. The longer you stay put, the more energy you will need to grow yourself.
The growing might even mean taking some time away for yourself. To do things that you love, just for you. Take us for example, we’ve changed career paths and give ourselves more time to discover just what we want to enjoy in life.
This is why we can afford to have a day date now on a Wednesday.
You’re Missing out on Money
If you stay with a company for more than two years, then this will be detrimental to your worth and your salary. You will start with a base salary and your annual rise will be based on this number.
There will come a time when you reach a limit though. You may find that your manager cannot raise your salary even more, and this usually comes after the two-year mark. If you are able to switch jobs however then you may be in a position to negotiate your base salary so that you end up earning more in the long run. This is a very useful way for you to push yourself into a better position both in your career as well as financially.
You’re Gratitude Shaming
Gratitude shaming is when you constantly beat yourself up about not actually appreciating what you have. It will also minimize the desire you have to achieve more. You may have an internal monologue that begs you to be happy, even though you want more. Rather than gratitude shaming yourself, you need to understand why you are feeling unfulfilled so that you can make some positive changes.
Do you feel as though you are not being appreciated? Maybe you feel as though you are not in a good position within the company, or that you are not earning enough. Either way, this is a clear sign that it is time for you to change.
If you have always wanted to be a doctor or a nurse, then why not look into health and social care apprenticeships? This is a great way for you to achieve your dream, not to mention that it will give you way more career satisfaction overall. It will also help you to really capitalise on the opportunities that may come your way in the future too.
This certainly resonates with me and think the points are true for those happy and unhappy in their current job