We are now checking in with Jamie of Thrifty Mumma Thrifty Bubba for her take on the big V Day and how it relates to money. I asked her a few questions and you’ll find her responses below.
What do you think about getting children involved in Valentines Day? I think getting children involved is quite a sweet idea – when we were children my Mum would always give my sister and I Valentine’s gift which as usually something small and heart theme. Now I have my own baby it has been fun to make our own card for Thrifty Dadda!
What are your views on your significant other’s spending habits at Valentine’s? Thrifty Dadda doesn’t really go big on Valentine’s Day so I know not to expect (nor would I want) an extravagant gift but the odd bouquet of discounted roses purchased on the actual day is quite lovely to receive!
Do you think couples should agree a spending limit for valentines? I think a spending limit is a good idea as long as both parties stick to it. This can avoid awkward situations especially if one of you has purchased a silly present and the other has gone all out in terms of cost.
What’s your view on the statement that ‘men are rubbish at choosing/buying proper Valentines gifts? I would say it depends what you define as a ‘proper’ Valentine’s gift. I think both men and women can find it difficult to buy gifts especially when the displays in shops are designed to get you to impulse buy. The best gifts are ones from the heart that keep in mind the person you are buying for – a pack of love hearts, a short but sweet poem and a handmade card all say more than shop bought chocolates!
Now the Fun Bit
Tell us about the most rubbish valentine gift you ever got – When I was in primary school my first ever ‘boyfriend’ (we were 6!!!) gave me a chocolate heart lollipop which had ‘I love you’ iced across it and a soppy card with a puppy on it. I thought it was so sweet until I found out at break time that he had given two other girls in the class the same lollipops and cards. I told him he could have mine back!
Tell us the one thing (that money can buy) that you wish you could get for Valentines Day: My local library has a deal where you can rent new release Dvd’s for £1 – I would like our little family to have a movie night on a budget complete with popcorn! It doesn’t need to be expensive to be a lot of fun. Failing that, a holiday would be lovely too!
A special thanks to Thrifty Mumma for sharing her thoughts with us.
Check out these other Valentine-themed posts:
Male Money Bloggers Talk Love and Valentine
Doctor Nikki on Love and Valentine
Lady Janey shares a love poem (you can share it with your loved one)
Adam S says
Hi Joleisa – great V-day article. I would like to be added to your Pinterest Group Board at https://www.pinterest.com/joleisacreed/frugalthrifty-101/.
My pinterest board is https://www.pinterest.com/smartmoneystar/ – – Thank you!