If you are thinking of starting a business and launching a brand soon there is a lot to consider! There is a lot of research that you need to do so that you don’t throw your money into a deep black hole! You will need to know and understand your niche and your competitors. What is driving them to succeed can also help you.
Of course, you need to hire employees, find the best STP software to pay them, put together benefit schemes, deal with taxes, and so on! But one thing you need to do is get your brand out there in public.
There are some key ingredients that will be present in all design agency approaches, or at least there should be. One of these should be the need for your website to reflect your individual brand. There are numerous ways in which your website can achieve this, but one of the most important is its visual appearance. It’s critical to choose a web design agency that knows this, and that understands that you don’t get long to make the perfect first impression on your visitors. Hosting your website is important too.
Make First Impressions Count
There are a great number of expectations placed on your website. The website must function effectively and load quickly, be appealing and not only encourage your visitors to return but also bring others. Most importantly, it must do all this the instant a visitor arrives on the landing page. This is because research has shown that visitors to your site form an opinion based on the first page they see, and they make this judgement in an average of 50 milliseconds, or 0.05 seconds to be exact. In this short space of time, they will have decided whether your business is worth their custom.
There are various factors that can affect this judgement from how the landing page is structured to the colours that are used and the amount of text that is on the page. Spacing, symmetry and the fonts used in the text will also all play a part. It has also been shown that certain parts of the page matter more to the visitor than others. Your logo, the main menu, the search box, written content and the very bottom of the website were all areas that were found to be crucial in the decision-making process. Another key element was the site’s main image. Mistakes here could seriously, and negatively, affect a visitor’s first impression of your site.
Web Development That Supports Excellence In Visuals
Given that the main image on your business site plays such an important role in the visual impression of your website, you need a web development agency that can choose and use images wisely. When searching for a design agency, then, keep the following tips on image choice in mind. Firstly, it’s important to avoid stock photography. These photos are, by their very nature, over-used, recycled and stale. They shout lack of effort to the visitor, and your conversion rates will suffer. Resolution is another important aspect to be considered. If an image appears pixilated or distorted, then you run the risk of the visitor thinking that you are either trying to hide something or that your goods or services will be of the same poor quality.
You also need to ensure the company uses a good enterprise e-commerce platform so your images can be optimised for SEO. While images are great, one of the mistakes people make when creating their own websites is to fill every inch of space with either text or images. They seem afraid of blank space in the same way that some people are afraid of silence. This is a mistake; it leads to a cluttered page that visitors find hard to focus on. Sometimes less is more, as it allows the images you do use to stand out and make a statement. However, it is important that the images make the right statement and reflect your aims.
So if you are thinking of starting your brand this year, give these points a good thought, starting with your research into your niche.
Using Pinterest to help your blog/brand
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