Did you notice that you got an extra twenty four hours today? Well it’s my bed time and I just missed it! Apparently you won’t get another free twenty four hours again for a few years!
If you share time zone with me, then you have less than two hours left of your free 24 but chances are, some of you are well able to make use of more.
What would you do if your birthday happens to fall on February 29? When would you celebrate it? Do you go from, say 40 to 41 in four years? Or would you chose to celebrate on February 28 or March 1? You know what? I’d do both! Just lengthen the time of the celebrations! You could have a meal out or party with family on February 28 and then a proper party with ‘the crew’ on March 1!
Seriously though, what’s this ‘leap’ year all about? Anything to do with frogs? Hope not!
Well if I think back, I really can’t remember the last leap year with its extra gift of 24 hours! I suppose, like with other gifts, I’ve got complacent and didn’t focus on the generosity of the giver!
I know for sure that some people have appreciated it more. For example, if you’ve been given a few more months to live, you would appreciate the extra day. Think what you could do with your exta 24 hours, if you have an impending deadline like, say, to hand in your research piece to your university or college!
So what have you used your extra 24 hours for? Someone could do with a visit or phone call, your community centre needs volunteers, some pre-Spring cleaning could be done, or a new skill or craft learnt. Let’s hear what you decide.
Well if you’ve missed this free extra 24 hours, there’s always….wait for it, four years time.
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