Wow, I’m a blogger. I have to say it out loud to see if it sounds true, lol. Scary stuff! Not really! Well actually, some of it is! I am a money making blogger!
But we are excited and want to give it our best shot. For us, it must be fun. Afterall, work is hard enough as it is. So as a blogger, this will be our new focus and we know it will take us places. We hope to be able to reach out to people we haven’t been in touch with for a long time! We are hoping that we will influence our readers to live a positive life no matter what obstacles they face. But also that it will allow us to make new friends. (I have my eyes on a blogger or a few bloggers who I hope to become friends with). So watch out, you might be one of them, lol.
Well, one of the things that got us more interested in blogging is stumbling upon Elite Blog Academy through Pinterest. Elite Blog Academy has opened its doors to us newbies to learn the ropes and we have enrolled! You will still hear from us now and again… but for now, we’re back to school!
We completed the course and, honestly, we are happy that we did. We have the knowledge under our belts so we can practise what we learned, and we have met other amazing bloggers who help us to not only grow but make money too. See how I summed up the best blogging bits of 2017.
Continue to be awesome! And if you’re interested in blogging too, one of these days we’ll put together a post about what we did. But for now, you can look up Elite Blog Academy.
Bear in mind though that it only opens once or twice a year! Good luck.
Follow this link to read the post on how we actually took the easy steps recommended by Elite Blog Academy to set up our blog.
We are pleased to announce that blogging has enabled us to become authors! We have just written and published our first book! Exciting, isn’t it? The book is now available on Amazon as a paperback and as a Kindle version. It feels good to be able to provide this resource that is found to be a useful reference when you are facing any of life’s lemons.
Also, we have decided to narrow our niche down to frugal blogging. It’s what most people want help with in their life. Anything to get away from financial worry. So we have come up with 101 frugal/money pinching and saving tips. Click the box below to get your hands on the list. You will be so glad you did. Share with a friend if you like.
See you soon!
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Panchal says
Good to know about your new book on blogging. Nice to understand that you have made money through blogging. Hope it helps beginners to gain insights. Thanks
Floby says
Encouraging for a beginner like me. Keep inspiring and sharing the right path! Love love what you are doing!
Joleisa says
We love helping especially as we got so much help when we started out.
tiazim says
I am sure I will love the book a lot since your page is full of very good and helpful articles.
Seema says
Ubercoool Write up. Following your footsteps soon.
Anissa says
Sounds like an interesting course! I may need to check into it after I’m done my work project. Congratulations on the book!
Toyin says
I admire your passion for blogging ? I have downloaded your ebook, thanks for sharing it for free.
Joleisa says
Oh, thank you! Do enjoy. Blogging is one of the best things I’ve ever done.