Ever since I left teaching and started working from home, I find that I am so comfy that I can go for days at a time without leaving home, and not be missing it at all.
The moment I decide to leave home, however, I always make sure to enjoy the experience. Afterall, especially with good weather, there is the sunshine to enjoy, people to see, and fresh air to breathe in.
Mostly through pictures, we will share how we had quite a lovely day today and didn’t spend too much money at all. That’s been our aim for the two week Easter break
The older girl was on a day trip to Wales while the rest of us enjoyed a fun day and tour of the Birmingham City Football Club.
There is something cooling, soothing and magical about seeing the great blue sky and see. Don’t you think? These views are breathtaking and priceless.
A different shade of blue, but still beautiful.
How about a relaxing walk in the sunshine for a great day out. We should be grateful for such opportunities.
We are fortunate to live in Birmingham where there are two major football clubs: Aston Villa Football Club and Birmingham City Football Club.
Today we had the opportunity to have a family fun day out, hosted by Birmingham City (AKA The Blues). That’s really a perk of being a foster carer and also a resident of the city of Birmingham. None of us is a real football fan but we still had a fantastic day. There were different workshops which included, First Aid, Swim Safety, Healthy Eating, as well as a tour of the facilities. Here are some of the highlights.
We got to ‘spy’ out the land from the stands. I am happy that no matches were on. I don’t do well with all the noise.
The day was rather sunny and warm, unlike the last few days we have been having.
There was a virtual racing car stand with quite a queue to see who would have the best time. The boys had a lot of fun here.
The photo opportunity was taken
Have you ever tried one of these? It’s where you get to choose some berries and other fruits, along with some juice, put them in a blender which sits on the front of the bike. You then have to pedal as hard as you can to get the fruits and juice to make a yummy smoothie. The kids did work hard for their smoothie.
There were many other games stations for those who wanted to work up a sweat.
A lot of food and drink were on offer. This included refreshing fruits, sandwiches, sweet treats, and water.
All in all, we had great fun today. Do you know what the best part of it was? It was all free! Do check with your local area to see if they have cheap or free activities for kids and families during school breaks.
I love Birmingham, we attend the Big Bang Fair every year and always stay over so we can investigate the great hings Birmingham has to offer.
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Sounded like a great trip.