It would probably help most of us to reduce work expenses for each day. A lot of your hard-earned cash goes directly towards your job, making it feel like you are working for nothing sometimes. From your daily lunch break and travel to software and clothing, it feels like there’s no end to the money you have to pay out. But don’t worry. There are some things you can do to sort it out and bring those pesky costs down a bit. Here are some money-saving suggestions.
Organise Your Style
If only for office politics, we want to look out best at work. But as you know, clothes cost a lot of money. But what if you could save money on clothes and other accessories just by organising your style? It’s probably a fair bet that if you went to your wardrobe right now, you would see at least three items you could get rid of. These can be sold. Shoes, dresses, and jackets can go for good money online through apps like Vinted and even eBay. So, what are you waiting for?
Of course, it isn’t all about clothing. Other things contribute to your overall style at work. Your hair and makeup are two of them. It’s a bit easier for men, as most have short hair, and most don’t exactly blush themselves. But why pay tons of money for these as a woman? There are loads of ways to save on your hair. There are ponytail styles that will stay in longer and be good for the work week. This means less faffing in the morning and less cash on styling.
How Can I Reduce Work Expenses on Food?
One of the biggest expenses people have when it comes to work is food. We all need to eat, and missing meals at work can be a disaster. You need good food for the soul and to keep up your energy. But the costs can stack up. Try some of these tips to save money on work food:
- Perform a stocktake of what you have at home that can be used up.
- Make a meal plan based on the foods you have stocked at home.
- Use online recipe creators for creative lunchbox ideas.
- Make use of any leftovers from dinner the night before.
- Take advantage of local “meal deal” offers whenever possible.
There’s usually loads of stuff in the house just lying around in the pantry. Learning to cook is a massive help when you need to get creative. Just some eggs, onions and peppers can make a filling meal with extra protein. And then there are some dishes that just taste better the next day!
Change How You Get There
Commuting is a chore for anyone. Whether you drive, get the bus, or, dare say, the train! Even if you don’t commute, you will know about the ridiculous costs of travel these days. Did you know that the average person in the UK travels over 600 miles per month for work, at a cost of around £150. Not per year, per month! And as bad as this is, there’s no way those costs are going to come down. In fact, if history is anything to go by, it will only go up over time!
Fortunately, there are a few things you can try. If you live within around 1 to 6 miles of work, you can cycle. Cycling is great fun, and six miles isn’t that far, even if you aren’t used to exercise. In good weather, you could be at work in around 40 minutes at an average speed. In some cases, if you live closer to work, you can even get to work quicker than taking the bus! And you will lose weight while doing it; win-win! If work isn’t too far, say within 2 miles, it could be better to walk.
Use the Office Resources
There are usually loads of things you can get from the place you work. Most workplaces don’t advertise the benefits they offer, but they are there. Sometimes all you need to do is ask, and there’s usually something that can be arranged. Here are some of the most common ones.
Use anything you need that’s provided
Some companies go out of their way to make employees feel comfortable. Today, this includes things like gym memberships and dining clubs. Ask your boss about any perks you can get!
Enquire about childcare costs
Childcare is crippling to some people. Some of the lowest-income homes in the UK spend up to 30% on childcare. But your employer might cover a percentage of the cost of childcare.
Ask about travel expenses
Most people don’t think to ask about this, but some companies will pay for your travel. If you have to travel as part of your job, you can claim this back. Some will also offer bus passes.
There are tons of costs when it comes to work these days. But you can often get some of the costs back or even covered. Many employers keep it a secret because they don’t want people to take advantage of it. But you don’t know unless you ask, so sit down with HR.
Use Software at Work
Software and apps are now a common thing for pretty much everyone. You’re probably using an app right now! The average person uses over 60 apps per day for various things, including work tasks. If you need to use a specific app for work, your employer should cover the cost. Don’t be silly and pay for it yourself. For example, if you need to write executive reports all day, use the office credentials for office apps, spell checkers like Grammarly and anything else you need.
Now, no one is suggesting you take advantage where it isn’t needed. However, some offices are liberal when it comes to using their software. If you need to use software for something personal, why not do it at work? Some people don’t even have a home PC and use their work desk for personal stuff. Of course, check with your boss first. Some companies don’t like it when employees use their paid software for doing personal things, like writing a CV for a new job!!!
Reduce Work Expenses by Taking Care of Clothing
Looking good at work can make you feel a lot more confident. There’s also all the office politics to deal with. Of course, you need to take care of yourself anyway, and clothing is a part of self-care. But clothing costs! Here are some tips for making your threads last longer:
- Wash your clothes less than you think you need to unless they are soiled.
- Use lower temperatures to prevent the colours from draining.
- Always read the instruction label and wash your clothes accordingly.
- Wash clothes inside out to prevent colour clashes from showing.
- Air dry clothing and hang them in a clean and dry place.
Just doing what the label says will make clothes last longer. This is vital if you have some of those classy designer labels you saved up for! The dryer is a Godsend sometimes, but it can be the enemy of materials. Avoid the dryer where possible, and keep the temperature down low!
Request Remote Work
Not all workplaces offer remote work. It’s not even possible for most jobs. But if your employer offers this, then take advantage of it wherever you can. Working from home will save you tons of money on food, travel and even clothes. You can even request a new computer from your employer to get the job done. They are obligated to provide you with anything you need for your job, especially if they are the ones making you work from home. But there are expenses.
When you work from home, it is very convenient. You can get up later, wear what you want and you don’t need to travel. These can save you a ton of money. But there are costs that come with it. For example, you will need the heating on while you work. So expect to double your gas bill! And, of course, computers use electricity. That being said, you can also save on these by being savvy. And the costs of these don’t come anywhere near how much you pay for your trains!
Getting organized with your style at the office can help reduce work expenses. Some employers also offer things like travel passes and childcare payments. Plus, you can save a ton by working from home. But this also comes with its expenses, such as higher gas and electricity bills.
Hi Jo and Leisa,
Loved your article! Great money saving tips. I would love to join the frugal thrifty pinterest board to share more content about personal finance and saving tips. I requested to join under @geniusfinance_ thank you!
My fella went from working as a handyman to working in an office so needed a whole new wardrobe when he started his job. He got everything from charity shops instead of buying new.
My fella either takes leftovers from the evening before or sandwiches for his lunch. He laughs at the younger people who spend at least £20 a day on takeaway, snacks and drinks.
What an interesting read. x
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