This week we had lovely weather and lots of other little things that remind us of the word Spring. Last week was just routine but this week was not at all routine.
We had lots of signs of new life, opportunities, circumstances, etc.
It started out on Sunday when we went out as a group of 5 women in our 50s or 6os. We had originally chosen to go to a carvery but found out the night before that it was fully booked for the 1 pm Sunday slot that we wanted. So on a whim, Leisa and I rung up a different venue close by and got a booking for the same time slot we wanted. This was so unlike us because normally we would spend the time trying to get to everyone to see if everyone was ok with it. Thankfully, it all went well and we spent a couple of good hours relaxing, eating, and chatting with each other. The weather was quite Spring like and we didn’t even bring a coat!
This week too, I was allowed to start an hour earlier and leave an hour earlier. It was such a lovely feeling to be out and about when I would normally be stuck at a desk. I used one of the afternoons to get a pedicure, my first in 6 weeks, and the other early afternoon off to wash and treat my hair and scalp. And the Spring days are so long that even when I returned home I still had a lot of daylight hours left. I was free to chill and relax before going to bed. I just love these Spring days.
The apartment we were working on is also complete and we had the handover on Thursday evening. We celebrated with a Chinese takeaway for 4. The meal included Spring rolls, fried rice, crispy beef, and sweet and sour chicken. There was a noodle dish too, but I can’t remember the name. The crispy vegetable Spring rolls were my favourite. The handover included some gifts we got mostly on Amazon. It included a Ring Camera and Echo pop, a faux cherry blossom tree, and also a set of nesting coffee tables. The sofa has still not yet arrived so there’s nothing to do but wait. We didn’t think it would take so long at all. The recipient is happy and seeing this gave us much joy too. We will share some highlights on the YouTube channel soon.
Or little seedlings have got a taste of the Spring weather too as we put them out daily for an hour or so for some Spring sunshine and flowers. It’s doing them good and they look like they are ready for planting out soon. We have to be careful though because two days this week we had heavy hail and some of them won’t be able to deal with that level of cold. Have you planted anything yet? The tulips are also still as proud and pretty as ever and we are so happy we decided to have some Spring bulbs this year.
One of the words that usually go with Spring is cleaning. Well, there wasn’t much of that this week. The place is in a bad state with dust as the kitchen is being done. We’ve had to remove absolutely everything so we couldn’t even start to think about cleaning. As we speak, they aren’t quite finished yet so I don’t think we will have the big reveal until next week. Apart from the dust and upheaval, we are pleased
The conservatory that was just cleaned and organised is now piled high with kitchen stuff, and so is the living room. Pray for us with the cleaning up when it’s all done. Hope you have had a beautiful week with a spring in your step and all the goodness and blessings you deserve. Thanks to Ann for this linky opportunity.
Ah, spring. It’s autumn here and can be very wintry as well. (Sigh). Your week sounds great.
It felt like spring here a few weeks ago but over the past week it has been grey, wet and mostly cold.
It sounds like a lovely meal out on Sunday, good on you’s for just booking a different place.
It is so nice to finish work early, my fella sometimes gets to have less lunch break and finish earlier, only half an hour but it makes such a difference.
I am glad the apartment handover went well. The Chinese takeaway sounds a lovely way to celebrate. x
Kim Carberry recently posted…Week 16 of #Project365 14th – 20th April. A photo every day for a year!
It feels like spring this weekend, I’ve actually between out twice without a coat and dried some washing on the line! I’ve not planted anything though. I’d love some raised beds. I can’t wait to see your reveals of the flat and the kitchen. I feel impatient now, lol.
But for the moment I’m stuck on that fish in the first pic, I want fish now.
It’s been lovely to have some Spring-like weather and the lighter evenings are so nice. Glad that the alternative venue for your Sunday lunch worked out well and nice to have a bit more time to yourself with finishing work earlier. So glad the apartment is complete and lovely to celebrate with a takeaway. Your tulips are so pretty. Good luck with the cleaning once the kitchen is finished. #WotW