Hello happy gang. Yes you guessed it from the title, this week what we got on with were the mere routines, nothing really stood out. So here goes:
The decorator who had not shown up last week to complete a job he started, did eventually show up after 6 one evening and completed the job. The main thing now is to work through returning everything to their rightful places where they were displaced from to accommodate the paint work. That is progressing slowly but surely. One positive as a result of all that moving about of stuff, we have started a decluttering process which has been so needed. Once we think we are finished we will take all those bags of stuff to the charity shops. They will be delighted, because some of the stuff is new and some, little used.
If you have been following our progress you will know we have been working on an apartment for a young person. Well we are pleased to say it is finished except for two little bits. The sofa has been ordered but has not yet arrived and the shower curtain has not yet been hung, but hopefully those will be in soon. The young person has spent 2 nights so far in her apartment and is loving it. Of course she is adding her own personal touches. Watch out for the reveal when we share it on YouTube.
The weather, whilst being very windy this week, did give us a chance to go out in the garden. We did have a few sunny days and that certainly did help. The seeds that were sown lived in the conservatory, however yesterday they had their first taste of the great outdoors. They spent about 2 hours outside to harden them off and then they are now living in the shed. The plan is to continue to give them some time outside daily and then to eventually plant them outside in a week or two. We found some lovely metal trellis at Aldi. They are both functional and decorative so we will be installing those in the garden for peas, beans and perhaps tomatoes. They should hide a part of the garden too, the vegetable patch side because it looks barren and unsightly right now but it can’t be helped.
The flower beds look glorious however with the tulips and other buds. The daffodils have died and have had their heads cut off. We understand that the best thing to do is to let the leaves remain until they too die back. I quite like the look of the leaves too so that is ok. The peonies are just about ready to open and one that did not bloom last year shows signs that it will this year. They are a beautiful bright pink so I am looking forward to that!
I did sow some grass seeds too in the area where the lawn was damaged by setting up the shed. So far, I have not seen any sign of growing but, we will wait and see. The garden could look better but considering we do all of it ourselves, not bad, it’s ok.
We even got one outdoor cooking adventure done for our Come Dine With Me series. It was so good!
Jo continues to get the hang of things work-wise and is becoming quite a pro at certain aspects of the job. She is loving it. The only bit that is a bit iffy is the long hours of just sitting at the desk, which is why she started to get a walk in first thing in the mornings. This week, however, the weather was just not conducive to that early in the mornings because of rain but hey, better days are coming so we live in hope. This morning it was dry so she did get one in.
Our young people are doing well in their chosen fields of endeavour and we give God thanks. One of them was able to do some printing for me this week too using the Cricut machine .We have 2 of them (the Cricut machines) and were planning to get rid of both. Well, we are glad we did not. We wanted to surprise one of our neighbours who had recently moved in so we were able to print on some water bottles for her three kids, and then yesterday, we decided to work on some merchandise for our care group at church and the Cricut machine came in handy again. So, we are keeping them. We might not use them often enough to justify the cost but it is good to have for whenever a project comes to mind. They were purchased during the big lockdown and I must say we did make our money back with all the projects we did.
This brings me to the conclusion of this week’s post. Have you ever found yourself with something that you have not used for a long time, and then as soon as you get rid of it, you find that you needed to use it? It happens to us all the time. Anyway, thanks for reading our routine week. Hope your week was much more exciting. Thanks to Anne who allow us to post about our week. Have a safe weekend and week ahead.
With love from Jo and Leisa
Glad that the decorator returned and finished the job and that the apartment is pretty much finished now and the young person has moved in and is loving it. Your garden is looking lovely. Glad that things are going well for Jo at work and good to be getting the use of the Cricut machine again. #WotW
I am glad the decorator turned up, eventually. It is good to get work done just to have a declutter and I am glad the young person is in her apartment and is loving it.
I was out in the garden when we had some sunshine, I have a little greenhouse which at the moment is in the shed overnight and I carry it outside during the day. Your flower beds are looking so pretty.
Kim Carberry recently posted…This week my Word of the Week is: Spring! #WotW
I’m so glad your decorator turned up eventually. your garden is looking nice too and I can’t wait to see the flat reveal. I’m glad that Jo is happier at work now. I really need to declutter too, especially my bedroom.
Your garden looks lovely! Glad the decorator came back and finished the job. I could really do with having a sort out…