As a family, we love playing board games. We don’t have a particular night dedicated to playing board games but we do play whenever we fancy and we are all not busy with our various pursuits. So the occasion rose tonight and we decided to unbox and play this game. I’ll share here what we all think.
It’s a family trivia quiz game. It is very attractively packaged and comes ready with instructions and playing pieces. Whenever we play a new game, we do like to think of all the pros and cons and how we could develop the game even further. One of the fun things we like to do as well is to think of new versions of the game by changing the rules.
With this game, we found the instructions convoluted! They were not at all clear or simply put. We think they could be further simplified. So after we battled with the instructions for some time, we set up the game and placed the pieces where the suggestions said they should go. We were then ready for the first round.
I went first as the game recommended that the oldest go first. This was quite unique. We think it is a good idea as well so that the younger family members can look on and know what to do particularly when the game is still quite new. After we all had our game pieces, I chose a question and read it from the pack of cards.
One fun element of the game is that whilst I placed a bet on what I thought would be the right answer option for the question (A, B, C or D), other family members could bet that they knew my answer was correct or incorrect and place their bet on what they thought was the right answer. That elicits lots of laughter! We all agreed that the questions were awesome and well thought out.
The questions came in four categories, which were:
Sports, The 2000’s, Science and Nature and Entertainment. So there was something really for all the family. I was really proud of the girls. They just smashed the entertainment and science and nature questions! The older heads knew more about the 2000s! Great going!
Another game we love
So how do we know who was right and wrong? Well, the answers to the questions are on the reverse of the cards. In our estimation, this is not such a good idea because those around could cheat (not us of course!) by looking at the answers.
The recommended age for playing the game is 12 and above. We think most 8 to 10-year-olds should be able to manage the game. It was a good idea as well not to put an upper age limit. My dad, (bless his soul) would really love this game. Or if you plan a girls meetup, this would be perfect for the laughs and the fun facts.
After about half an hour, we were a bit bored of the game itself but loved the questions so we had a period of time where we just went through some of the questions, after which we started to make up our own very funny rules!
Overall, we loved the game. We think it is a little overpriced considering what we see it being sold on Amazon for. For that price, we think it should have an electronic element to it. We would give iKnow Family Quiz game 3 out of 5 stars.
What game have you had a go at lately? We really love the card game, Uno. Have you ever played it? Tell us about your favourites.
I love indoor games, especially whenever I get free time. Playing games with family always funny and loving.
I love & like to play family games.It’s very enjoyable for me. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Wow! I like this indoor games thankyou so much for the information.
Amusing. Really very nice