Football is Coming Home
It’s coming home, it’s coming home. Football’s coming home. Well, I don’t know if this is going to be a reality this year, but it certainly brings a lot of cheer and hope to the nation. This sense of pride in our national team buoys our hope and spirits and really helps us to focus on home. So this has been the inspiration for our word of the week for this week. Come on England! This, if it really comes to fruition will be a real gift to the nation after all we have been through in this pandemic. In fact, any nation that wins will be very blessed indeed.
Have you been watching the football?
Jamaican Home
We too have been thinking of home, well our other home, Jamaica. We have not travelled there in a few years now and we just really long for some home comforts and familiar sights sounds and even smells. You know they say home is where the heart is? Well, they were right.
Although it is possible to get some Jamaican things here, they are often not authentic or are very costly. We do try to recreate some things and most times they work out but some times not.
So this week we’ve made quite a few Jamaican dishes such as Jerk Chicken, Cheese dumplings, Rice and Peas and Curried Goat! Yummy is the word for this paragraph, lol.
We even went into a Coop Travel to see if we could find a little break away which would be the closest thing to getting back home this summer.
Local Weather and Gardening at Home
The weather at home this week too, has not. been too bad. We have had a mixture of sunshine and rain which is a good balance that the plants need. The front and back garden are resplendent in beautiful blooms of all colours of the rainbow. It has meant that we have been able to have fresh flowers inside for some weeks now. That has also saved us some money as we have not had to buy flowers for the home.
Here is today’s fresh bouquet on the kitchen window sill. Pretty, innit? We would love you to click and save the image to Pinterest too. Thanks so much.
Day Date Close to Home
You may or may not know that every week, on a Wednesday we try to go on what we call a Wednesday Day-Date. We document it too so you can check it out on our Youtube channel.
Well for this past week, our date was near to home. We chose to go to Sutton Coldfield which is pretty close to where we live. We enjoyed the sights, looked in a few charity shops and also TK MAXX, and had a lovely meal at TGI Fridays. The sun was out but it was not too hot. It was quite enjoyable.
Sprucing up Home
Even though we don’t have any little ones at home anymore, we are excitedly counting down to when schools close and the summer break begins. There’s a different feeling when schools are not in session, isn’t there?
So the living room, and especially the conservatory got a little jazz up this week ready for the break.
Feel free to check out our latest Youtube video too. Any support we can get on Youtube is highly appreciated.
We hope you too are enjoying the many aspects of home and are making your home, a nice, relaxing cozy place to be. Until next time, take care. Don’t forget to check back next week as we link with Anne and others to share our word of the week.
Jo and Leisa
It must be hard missing your home and family in Jamaica. I hope you can get to visit soon. I love your flowers, how pretty. I love Jamaican food too, we do have a take out just around the corner, but I would rather cook my own as I can control the spice and flavours. Maybe I should think about sprucing up my home, I don’t think we have done anything new in a long time. I want to make my bedroom nicer and I’ve bought new curtains bedding and a rug (but they are sitting in a pile because I can’t physically do much myself) My daughter used to go to college in Sutton Coldfield, It was one straight train journey from where we lived. Have a relaxing weekend ladies and I’ll be sure to check out your Youtube channel.
Anne recently posted…Going with the Flow for My Word of the Week 27
It really feels like there is some hope that England could actually win Euro 2020. Like you said after the pandemic it really is the boost we need. I’ve watched every match of the tournament so far. lol I’m not even a football fan usually.
I do hope you get to go home to Jamaica sometime soon. The food does sound amazing!
I have a ton of flowers in my garden and I haven’t thought of bringing them inside until you said you do. What a pretty bouquet! x
Kim Carberry recently posted…This week my Word of the Week is: Grotty! #WotW
I really wish England the best on its continued football journey. I’m not a football fan at all and haven’t watched any of the games, but I do know the Netherlands where I live is out of the tournament. I did smile when Germany and France were both out too.
It must be so hard to miss your family and home in Jamaica, especially during the pandemic. #WotW
Astrid recently posted…Jewelry-Making #WotW
Awww, I do have a really good friend living in the Netherlands. I was cheering for her team too, but sadly they’re out now. Looking forward to the next set of matches. Thanks so much for stopping by and have a great week ahead.
It really does feel hopeful on the football front this year, come on England!
I do hope you get to visit your family in Jamaica in the near future, it must be hard.
Love the photo of you both! Such a lovely pic. 🙂
We’ve not been following much of the football, although we did watch the last couple of England matches and it is nice to have that hope that we could do well this year! All those Jamaican dishes sound really tasty. I hope that you will be able to have a trip back home again soon. Those flowers from your garden are beautiful. How lovely to be able to have cut flowers that you’ve grown yourself. #WotW
Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love) recently posted…Keeping their memory alive – raising awareness of child loss
It must be so hard living so far from ‘home’ at the moment. The pandemic must make it harder still. I hope you get to visit there again soon. I’m interested to know if you booked any sun closer to your UK home. I love your day-date idea. I need some of those #WotW
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