New year! New you! Goal setting, New Year’s resolutions and all that!
Happy New year by the way! We hope that this year for you will be very productive and that you will be able to accomplish much. Those same wishes we hold for ourselves too, so wish us well. We started off the year like many others, by having an overview of the past year and making plans for 2019.
We have made a few goals which include:
1. Have more visitors to our sites: joleisa and joleisareviews
2. Vary our income streams
3. Improve SEO on both sites
It’s really nice to know that you are interested enough to take the time out to read what we write, and we wanted to encourage you to keep coming back and so we have decided on a monthly giveaway to entrap (I mean encourage) you to keep coming back!
For the month of January, the giveaway is a cool double wall drinking flask. We are aware that drinking more water is one of the resolutions most of us have!
The flask holds and keeps hot liquids hot for 12 hours and it also keeps cold liquids cold for longer (not both together, obviously). To make it even more enticing, we are willing to personalize the flask with the details you will tell us, up to three words (keep it clean, will ya!)
Here are some to look at to give you some inspiration:
You will have have a choice of sizes, 350 ml or 500 ml and a choice of colours, either black, white, gold, red, silver or purple. The choice is yours! The flasks also come boxed so that if you wish to give it away as a gift, you may!
Do we think this is a good giveaway? We think it is blooming awesome! We want to join the revolution of those who use less plastic, especially single-use plastic. There is enough evidence that it is damaging the environment and if we each did play our part, then the earth will thank us and the generations that will come after us will be eternally grateful.
Not only is it better for the environment to do away with single-use plastics, but it also more frugal for you to use a flask daily. That way, all you need to do is to keep it clean and refilled as often as you need it.
Have a look at these two that we use. We think they are super cute. Don’t you? So what do you need to do to get your hands on one of the snazzy drinking flasks?
Well, a few rules first:
- Only UK residents are eligible
- There is no monetary alternative
- Winners will need to get in touch within 5 days of the closing date (January 28, 2019) and email their name and postal address to
By the way, if you were not selected as the winner, you can still purchase a personalised flask. Ask us how at
Good luck!
You know I love a good giveaway!!!!! 🙂
Doh! Not from the UK
I am not in the UK, but good luck on your giveaway! Those water bottles seem really nice!
Thanks for stopping by and all the best for the New Year with all your plans too.
Jo and Leisa
I love giveaways too! If I liked in the UK I would be all over this one!! Good luck to all who enter.
Hi, Jo and Leisa! How cool that you are twins and that you get to work together! (I have twin 4-year-olds, and it’s so fun!) I’m not eligible for the giveaway since I’m not in the UK, but what a fun idea! I found you on Pinterest and am wondering if I could please be added as a contributor to your Frugal/thrifty 101 group board? My profile name is familiesforfinancialfreedom.
Thanks for stopping by, Stacie.
We will add you to the board now. Please pin from it more than you pin to it. Oh, and kiss your little munchkins for us.
These are really cool water bottles
Well, if you have your entries in, do check back to see if you’ve won! Thanks for stopping by.
These look fabulous! They would be really great for work and the school run x
So I’m going to wish you good luck!
Great blog & fantastic giveaway.
Why, thanks so much for stopping by!
These look great!
Love these 🙂
Love personalised stuff it means people at work don’t pinch it!
So true!
These are perfect for days out and about, which is one of my resolutions this year, fab giveaway!
That’s so true. And you can decide whether you want to use it for hot or cold liquids.
wow thank you got to love a try your luck,love the stylish bottles
That’s true! Try your luck.
Beautiful flask! I was just looking for something like this 🙂
Hopefully, you are in luck and don’t have to spend money getting one.
These bottles are brilliant and i love the colours of them.It’s great they are so versatile and also helps with not using plastic disposable bottles.I’d like to enter your competition please.Goodluck with the year ahead too.
Good luck to you Lisa!
I am really trying to use less plastic. This would be really useful – and so stylish!
Oh, that’s good! I wish everyone had one and so could do without using so much plastic!
great prize, really need one of these for work to increase my water intake
Well, all the best to you and good luck with winning it and achieving your goal of drinking more water.
Lovely flasks! Great giveaway. This would definitely encourage me to drink more!! Thanks x
Good luck to you!
How Snazzy are these… I always like to carry water with me, lets make people stare with this beauty.
Would be great for the gym!
It sure would be! And getting it personalised means there can be no confusion as to the owner
I’d love to win this for my sis for her marathon training!
Whohoo! I wish your sister all the best!
I’m in! always forgetting to drink enough water….
You’re in, indeed! And good luck!
Looks great to me!
Love these bottles! They look like the chilly ones but personalised!
I am drinking at least a pint of water an hour at the moment!!! The doc says it’s to do with some meds I’m taking. I don’t mind too much but I’m having to carry water around with me everywhere I go, so one of these would be SO useful!
Susan, I hope your medical condition continues to improve. I’m sure the bottle would do you well, and free and all too! Good luck!
Fab giveaway
Yes its a great giveaway, and good for the planet too ! Many thanks….
You sure got that right!
Those water bottles look lovely xx
Love these, thank you
this would be great
I’m always on the look out for a really good flask, one that’s the right size, not too heavy, fits in the drinks holder in my car and doesn’t make the water taste funny.
These look great, I love the colours.
You describe the one we are giving away beautifully! Good luck!
Congrats Cherry Lloyd! Yours was the lucky name that came up in the draw! Don’t forget to email us with the details that you’d like it personalised with. Also, we will need your postal address to get it out to you as soon as possible.
Well done you!
Thanks to everyone who participated. The Valentine Giveaway is now live for you.
Awesome giveaway. Thanks for the chance.
I need a new flask dropped mine at the gym woops
Lovely bright colours!
Any help to drink more water is good.
Love this flask would be perfect to take to my gym classes and even better not a bit of plastic in sight
These look fabulous 🙂 so modern and sleek 🙂 x
perfect for when i’m out walking
These look good. I know I need to drink more water.
would love to win 🙂
Awesome colours – fingers crossed 🙂